Informations Technologies Hardware and Software


This course gives the knowledge about computer hardware and system software necessary to develop information systems, and at the same time understand the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies and computer architectures, so as to use them efficiently in a business environment. The principles and application of computer hardware and systems software are presented through lectures that focus both on theory and on practice, and complemented with classes where practical exercises are given, and classes where the students can practice with the systems themselves.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Victor José de Almeida e Sousa Lobo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Information Systems


Computer Organization and Architecture, 4th Edition, Linda Null and Julia Labur, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014; 0; 0; 0; 0

Teaching method

Theoretical, practical, and laboratory classes

Evaluation method

The students are assessed by homework, mini-testes, a final group project, individual presentation of a theme on which they must also write a short essay, and a final exam.
For the final grade each of these has the following weights:
Final Exam: 60%
Final Group Project: 20%
Presentation and essay: 10%
Homework and mini-tests: 10%

Subject matter

  • Binary data: Number Systems, binary codes for numbers, text, images, and sound. Boolean Algebra for manipulating data.
  • Computer Hardware: Digital Systems, Architecture of a CPU, memory, registers, addressing modes, data buses, instruction sets. Multiprocessor versus single processors.
  • Peripherals: Hard disk drives and other mass storage systems, monitors and visualization systems, controllers, input/output devices.
  • Operating Systems: function and types of operating systems, processes, process management, memory, and file systems.
  • Examples of computer architectures and operating systems


Programs where the course is taught: