Computer Networks
The main objectives that should be attained in order to succeed this course are:
- O1: Understand network architectures, communication protocols and related systems;
- O2: Understand the multiple abstraction layers of communication systems;
- O3: Acquire technical knowledge about the multiple protocols used on different communication layers;
- O4: Understand local and wide network requirements;
- O5: Acquire technical knowledge to assess network security;
- O6: Acquire technical knowledge to understand the network application challenges.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Eduardo de Mendonça Tomás Barateiro
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
- Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach , 7th edition, Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, Pearson, 2016
- Monteiro, Edmundo; Boavida , Fernando. Engenharia de Redes Informáticas, FCA, 2011
- Tannenbaum, Andrew S. Computer Networks (5th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2010
Teaching method
Theoretical component focused on oral presentations and intuitive methods supported by digital contents. Practical component based on oral presentations, discussion and resolution of practical exercises and case studies.
Evaluation method
- Project (40%): Groups of 3 students; 3 phases evaluation (Intermediate deliverable with feedback; Final deliverable; Presentation / discussion). Minimum mark: 8.5
- Project peer assessment (10%). Minimum mark: 8.5
- Individual written exam (50%). Minimum mark: 8.5
Group project and individual written exam grades are rounded to tenths. Final mark = 0.4 (Project mark) + 0.1 (peer assessment) + 0.5 (Written exam mark)
Subject matter
- Introduction to computer networks
- Layered architecture
- Protocols and services
- Application layer: web and HTTP, FTP, SMTP
- Transport layer
- Network layer
- Data link layer
- Multimedia applications
- Quality of service
- Network security
Programs where the course is taught: