Information Systems Seminar


The purpose of this course is to provide students with applied knowledge in Information Systems (IS), as well as writing skills and research in this area, materialized in building a case study of the use of information systems in a Portuguese organization as an instrument to create competitive advantages. 
 LO1 - Understand the use of case studies as a research method

 LO2 - Identify and establish the logic of the case study

LO3 - Identify the activities to undertake beofre starting to collect case study data

LO4 - Know the principles to follow in working with evidence sources

LO5 - How to start the analysis, what are the analytic choices , and how they work

LO6 - How and what to compose

LO7 - Build a case study in information system 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Vítor Manuel Pereira Duarte dos Santos


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




Casos de Estudo - Usar, Escrever e Estudar (2009). Ferreira, Manuel Portugal, Lidel, ISBN:9789727575824

Case Study Research - design and methods (2009). Yin, Robert K., SAGE, ISBN:978141296099 Other Web resources to make available during the ter

Teaching method

Tutoring classes / seminar

Evaluation method

¿60% - Invited presentations - Students will be evaluated by delivery of individual reports with tem appreciation of invited lectures

¿30% - Students presentations - Students will be evaluated by public presentation public presentation of a technological topic.

¿10% - assiduity and evaluating the work of colleagues

Subject matter

LU1 - Planning case studies

LU2 - Designing case studies

LU3 - Preparing to collect case study data

LU4 - Collecting case study evidence

LU5 - Analyzing case study evidence

LU6 - Reporting case studie