Information Systems Project II
LO1: Acquire maturity on the main software engineering strategies, which are crucial for organizing in a correct way projects that involve software development.
LO2: Acquire skills in the management and development of professional software products in all its different phases.
LO3: Acquiring skills on presentation and trade of professional software products
LO4: Acquiring skills on the creation of technological spin-offs
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Vítor Manuel Pereira Duarte dos Santos
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Knowledge of software engineering
'Projects in Computing and Information Systems - A Student¿s Guide' Christian W. Dawson Second edition Addison-Wesley 2009.
Teaching method
Great relevance will be given to the development software product by the students during practical classes in computers rooms and laboratories.
Evaluation method
students will be evaluated on the development of software product. They will have to produce detailed documentation about the project development method they used and about the achieved results and they will have to present the project orally. The oral presentation will also have to contain a complete demo of the developed software. They will also have to produce, and will be evaluated on, a complete report describing each and every single step in the development of their project.
Subject matter
LU1: Background: What are professional software projects? the software product development process
LU2: Project Development: Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
LU3: Product presentation: writing and structuring summaries, presentation of data oral presentations demonstration of software and speech exams.
LU4: Elaboration of business plan
LU5: Mechanisms of support and incentive to technological business innovation.
Programs where the course is taught: