Policy, Management and Health Administration Seminary
The seminar is prepared to introduce concepts and methodologies related with Health Policy, Management and Administration, and to establish a relationship between these conceptual issues with and the preparation of a preliminary research protocol. Overall the doctoral candidates should be able to:
- Identify and discuss models and practices, to improve accessibility, health needs assessment, appropriateness of care, effectiveness and efficiency in health, pointing out to better health outcomes and value in health;
- Use strategic analysis, planning interventions and scientific evidence to optimize the utility function in the health sector;
- Use the appropriate methodologies for Health Policy and Health Services Management performance evaluation;
- Identify the main concepts of Health Policy, Management and Administration and the best practices to prepare a research protocol applied to each student investigation area.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 62
Teaching language
Frequency of the Doctoral Program in Public Health
– Walt, G et al. “Doing” health policy analysis: methodological and conceptual reflections and changes. Health Policy and Planning. 2008, 23, 308-317.
– Hornbrook MC. Hospital Case Mix: Its Definition Measurement and Use. Part I: The Conceptual Framework. Med Care Rev. 1982; 39(1):1-43. Part II. Review of Alternative Measures. Med Care Rev. 1982; 39(2):73-123.
– Miller H. From Volume To Value: Better Ways To Pay For Health Care. Health Affairs. 2009, 28 (5):1418-1428
– Griffith JR, Alexander JA e Jelinek RC, 2000. Measuring Comparative Hospital Performance. Journal of Healthcare Management, 47 (1), 41-56.
– Comissão Científica do Programa de Doutoramento: Guião do protocolo de tese de doutoramento, 2014
Teaching method
- Theoretical and Practical Lectures
- Individual presentations and discussion in the Seminar
In general:
a) Specific training in the field of specialty, encompassing educational group sessions (theoretical and practical) and tutorial teaching.
b) The preparation by the student of a thesis proposal project containing a theoretical basis of its relevance, review of the main literature and expected methodology, including respective data sources.
Evaluation method
- Theoretical component :
- Attendance and class participation: 20%
- Presentation and discussion of a preliminary protocol of the thesis, taking into account the knowledge and skills provided for educational purposes, and considering as its starting point the students preferences for its research: 80%.
- Component on the preparation of the doctoral thesis protocol (6ECTS): Presentation of the protocol before a jury composed of the Seminar Coordinator, the tutor and a member of the scientific committee of the doctoral program. To be admitted to the thesis phase the student must have in this component a minimum grade of 14.
Subject matter
- Health Policy, Health Services Management and Strategic Management
- Production, Payment Methods and Performance Evaluation of Health Services
- Management and organizational models of the Health System and Health Services
- Health Needs Assessment and Value in Health
- Methodologies for designing research protocols: conceptual framework and practical issues