Have statistical knowledge to solve health research with descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
Distinguish between sample and population issues
Have SPSS skills to manage data, make statistical analysis and interpretation of statistical results in health research.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Andreia Heitor Martins da Cunha Leite, Pedro Manuel Vargues Aguiar
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 32
Teaching language
Available soon
Afonso A., Nunes C.(2011). Estatística e Probabilidades: aplicações e soluções. Escolar Editora.
Aguiar, P. (2007). Guia prático climepsi de estatística em investigação epidemiológica. Lisboa: Climepsi editores.
Altman, D.G.(1991). Practical statistics for medical research. London Chapman & Hall.
Beaglehole,R., Bonita,R., Kjellstrom,T.(1993). Epidemiologia Básica. ENSP
Dawson B., Trapp R. (2001), Bioestatística Básica e Clínica, Mc Graw-Hill
Teaching method
Theoretical and practical sessions of statistical concepts and case study in health with SPSS
The evaluation will have two components: one related to participation and attendance - continuous assessment (20%) and another, held in the end, through an individual written test (80%).
Evaluation method
Make a data structure in SPSS and practice of data management.
Descriptive statistics: frequency tables, graphs, central and dispersion measures.
Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests, Type I and type II errors, p-value
Chi-square test, t test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and introduction to logistic regression.
Subject matter
Make a data structure in SPSS and practice of data management.
Descriptive statistics: frequency tables, graphs, central and dispersion measures.
Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests, Type I and type II errors, p-value
Chi-square test, t test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and introduction to logistic regression.
Programs where the course is taught: