Epidemiology 2


At the end the students should be able to know and use:
- the rationale and process of epidemiological research, concepts and technical terms, namely exposure-effect relationship;
- Observational and experimental designs in the face of specific questions and differentiate the descriptive and analytical aspects, indications and conditions of application, calculation and interpretation of the measurements obtained;
- Case definitions and available exposure and implications on the results of the investigation, including the errors associated with different case definitions and ways of measuring exposure and ways to minimize them;
- The measurement of time of exposure of the general public and groups under study and calculate and interpret frequency measures based in person. time and its use in calculating measures of Association and risk;
- Characterize meta-analysis studies in the systematic review and components calculation and comparison of measures;
- Describe error types and sources, ways to minimize them, including comparative designs, matching, randomization, masking of exposure and their effects on causal inference an causal communication to specific target-groups.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 30

Teaching language



Available soon


Available soon

Teaching method

Differentiated format in accordance with the contents of each teaching session, with of learning sessions of theoretical exposition aided by audio-visual materials, and theoretical-practical sessions of analysis, debate and resolution of case studies in the class-room guided by the teacher but with intervention of students;
- Individual resolution of worksheets on some thematic areas.
- Individual worksheets with written presentation (30% of the final mark);
 - Individual written test for learning evaluation (70% the final mark).

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

- Concepts, applications and base of epidemiological evidence in public health;
- Technical terminology and concepts; classifications and nomenclatures, notably for the definition and measurement of case and exposure; 
- Drawing, directions, conditions and limitations, planning, implementation, management, analysis, interpretation and communication of results of epidemiological studies, observational and experimental. Selection of the type of study a specific research question;
- Calculation, analysis, comparison, interpretation and reporting of epidemiological measures of frequency, and impact and its variants, including the role of the time factor of exposure and follow-up time; 
- Forms and methods for the measurement of exposures and health outcomes;  
- Sources and types of error in epidemiology including biases and confounding. Techniques for their elimination and control; 
- Studies in meta-analysis: features, methods, interpretation and limitations; 
- Causality, causal links and criteria, causal inference and statistical association;


Programs where the course is taught: