Research Methodologies in Public Health - 1


At the end of the course the students shall be able to: 
1. Describe the principles of Public health research, including the large areas, key concepts and technical terms. 
2. Describe the types of Public health research, including quantitative and qualitative, identifying their complementarity; 
3. Formulate research objectives from an issue and a question of research;
4. Define the population under study, study the sample from that population and target population of an investigation;
5. Define conceptual and operationally the variables of interest to study in an investigation; 
6. Describe the principles, design, development, pre-test and validation of scales and measuring instruments, with relief for the questionnaire;
7. Characterize the techniques and forms of application of instruments of data collection, including the interview, the collection through the internet and from documentary sources; 
8.  Characterize the sections of a research protocol and report, relating their sections;
9. Write the critical appraisal of a report or scientific article and communicate the results.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

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Weekly - Available soon

Total - 36

Teaching language



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 GREGG, M.: Field Epidemiology. New York, Oxford University Press, 1996.
 ABRAMSON, ZH. Survey methods in community medicine. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1999.
 BIE, Nio Ong: The practice of health services research. London: Chapman & Hall, 1993.
 DALY, J. e outros: The public health researcher: a methodological guide / Jeanne Daly, Allan Kellehear, Michael Gliksman. - Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1997
 DICKKERSIN, K.: Systematic reviews in epidemiology: why are we so far behind? International Journal of Epidemiology, 2002, (31), 6-12

Teaching method

- Teaching methods are differentiated according to the format and contents of each session, with emphasis on theoretical and practical tuition sessions of analysis, discussion and resolution of case studies;
-Individual Resolution worksheets on the chapters of a Protocol and an epidemiological investigation report.
-The evaluation is based on the following parameters: a) Degree and quality of participation in lessons (10%); b) appreciation of individual worksheets with written presentation (30%); c) written test learning assessment (60%).

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1. Methodological and application areas of research in public health; Inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning in research; approach of causality from the investigation. Complementarity of qualitative and quantitative research; Definition and relationship between the question, inquiry and research objectives; Study population, target population, selection of a sample study from the population under study; Conceptual and operational definition of variables. Dimensions of the operationalization of variables; Design, development, pre-test and validation of questionnaires, measuring scales and other measuring instruments and data collection. Quality of the instruments; Techniques, planning and execution of data collection: the survey interview, the collection from documentary sources, data bases and information systems; A research protocol and relationship with the report: main sections and its contents; Critical appraisal of a protocol or a research report: phases, methods and presentation.


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