Health Authority
Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of the health authority within the Portuguese reality and its respective evolution since the reforms of Passos Manuel
Develop knowledge and awareness about the organizational network of the health authority
Develop an understanding of the legislative and regulatory frameworks which underpin the diverse areas of intervention of the health authority
Analyze information in order to evaluate the risk to public health, advise on and implement public health actions in a timely, transparent and consistent manner
Demonstrate competence in the employment and interpretation of electronic public health surveillance platforms, notably SINAVE and SICO
Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of the management of situations which require individual level intervention (the compulsory detention of individuals deemed a risk to wider public health) and associated measures required to protect the health of the public
Demonstrate competence to participate in the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR)
Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of the main international networks and agencies including the World Health Organization (WHO), other international organizations and the European Union (EU)
Collaborate with authorities of other sectors, notably those of the environment, economy in addition to military and civilian police security forces
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 20
Teaching language
Available soon
Available soon
Teaching method
Lectures, case studies and simulations.
The evaluation will be based on class participation (20%) and written reports (80%)
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
Concepts of the Health authority
Legal framework
Early identification of public health risks. Emergency preparedness including response during emergencies, management and communication
The rights and responsibilities towards citizens in terms of public health and risk
The principle of prohibition of excess; in achieving an end one should use appropriate means
New public health tools and electronic platforms