Occupational Health


– Know the essential concepts in Health and Safety
– Knowing the general model of the interrelationships work / disease, identifying the possible influence of labor risk on workers'''' health;
– Identify and characterize the professional intervening factors in the occurrence and development of diseases "linked" to work
– To identify the main instruments and other general aspects of Policy and Management of Occupational Health;
– Know the strategies and main methodological tools of organization of Occupational Health care in companies;
– Know the National Program for Occupational Health 2013-2017 DGS;

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 20

Teaching language





– FARIA, M.; UVA, A.S. – Diagnóstico e Prevenção das Doenças Profissionais: algumas reflexões. Jornal da Sociedade das Ciências Médicas de Lisboa. CL:9;10 (1988) 360-371.
– OMS - ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD - Estrategia mundial de la salud ocupacional para todos: el camino hacia la salud en el trabajo. Genebra: OMS, 1995.
– SANTOS, C.S. – Estratégias inovadoras em saúde ocupacional: perspectivas dos centros de saúde. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, 16:1 (1998) 5-11.
– UVA, A.S:; GRAÇA, L. – Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho: Glossário. Lisboa: Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Trabalho: Cadernos Avulso nº 4, 2004, pp. 104, 160, 165.

Teaching method

Theoretical sessions
Individual assessment of knowledge (80%)
Continuous evaluation and appreciation of attendance (20%)

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

– Characterization of the influence of professional factors in the natural history of diseases related to work;
– Diagnosis and risk management in Occupational Health
– Policies and Administration of Occupational Health
– Key health policy instruments and safety;
– Key indicators available Health and Safety;
– Occupational Health Program at national, regional and local level - the contribution of the public health physician;


Programs where the course is taught: