NOVA Medical School
- Master in Biochemistry for Health
- Master in Clinical Research Management
- Master in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Health Research
- Master in Medical Microbiology
- Master in Metabolism and Human Nutrition
- Master in Nutritional Phytotechnology for Human Health
- Master in One Health: Human and Animal Public Health
- Master in Physiotherapy Muscle Skeletal Conditions
- Master in Primary Care Mental Health
- NOVA Biomedical Research Master
NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (NMS | FCM) is a modern and innovative Medical School, based on innovation.
NMS|FCM is an academic unit of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and it currently has 1.709 students in the Integrated Master Degree in Medicine, 42 in the Bachelors Degree in Nutrition Sciences and 399 in postgraduate training and a total of 533 teachers and researchers.
The strategy of gradual integration of foreign teachers and researchers (2,6%), combined with the number of international postgraduate students (12%) and mobility students (5%) reveals not only the opening of the Faculty abroad, but also the international projection it has been acquiring and which it intends to strengthen in the future. Also the number of students in outgoing mobility programs is quite significant and has never been reached before by NMS | FCM (10%).
In 2019 NMS|FCM reached, for the forth consecutive year, the 1st position in the ranking of admissions to Higher Education, in Medicine, in the Lisbon Area. Also, 74% of the students chose NMS|FCM as their 1st option.
The new Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Sciences, which opened the last 2018-19 school year for the first time, obtained for the second consecutive year the highest national access, along with other courses from NOVA and had 80% of students placed in the 1st option.
It is the Medical School with the best teacher/student ratio (1/3) in the clinical years in Portugal and its students have had excellent results in the exam of access to specialty.
NMS|FCM is associated with several health units, allowing a variety of teaching environments and a more comprehensive knowledge of hospital reality and primary health care. Furthermore, the University Medical Centre of Lisbon (Centro Médico Universitário de Lisboa - CMUL), which is a Consortium between NMS|FCM and Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (CHLC), grants the students of NMS|FCM a better and more integrated clinical training.
Research is another case of success in our Medical School. The Schools Research Pole hold the Library, the Clinical Competence Training Center (NOVA MedSim) and the CEDOC (Chronic Diseases Research Center), which brings together all the research developed at the Faculty and includes 3 research units: TOXOMICS (Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health), CHRC (Comprehensive Health Research Center), iNOVA4Health - program in translational medicine.
NMS|FCM was recently awarded with the Ministry of Health Gold Medal for Distinguished Services.
Mobility students
The Section of International Mobility is responsible for student mobility to and from the NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (NMS|FCM), which is done under:
- The European Lifelong Learning Project, specifically Erasmus.
- As Free-mover clinical clerkships.
- The Santander Portuguese-Brazilian University Scholarships programme.
- Specific agreements between Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Brazilian Universities.
NMS|FCM´s specific Erasmus rules can be can be checked here and additional information can be found in also, practical information common to all of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa´s academic units, are available in this guide.
Contacts for Outgoing Mobility:
Tel: +(351) 21 880 30 15
Contacts for Incoming Mobility:
Tel: +(351) 21 880 30 71
International Relations Office
NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Campo Mártires da Pátria, 130
1169-056 Lisboa
Student attendance hours:
Monday to Friday - from 2 pm until 4 pm
For document delivery please use our Post Box, situated in front of Banco Santander
Academic authorities
- Dean Jaime da Cunha Branco
- Vice-Dean, President of Scientific Council Miguel Xavier
- Vice-Dean, Presidente of Pedagogic Council José Alberto Castro Guimarães Consciência
- Vice-Dean António Jacinto
- Vice-Dean Ana Isabel Moura Santos
- Administrator Manuel Salvador Rodrigues Alves
Admission and enrollment
Integrated Master Degree in Medicine
Bachelor´s Degree in Nutrition Sciences
Academic Office - Undergraduate Studies
Campo Mártires da Pátria, 130, 1169-056 Lisbon
Phone: +351 21 880 30 01
Fax: + 351 21 880 30 16
Required paperwork in the Academic Office
- Proxy, if the matriculation is not being made by the student.
- Fotocopy of ID card and Fiscal ID card. (or Citizen's Card).
- A statement from Social Security in case of being part-time student.
- 2 Photographs.
- 4th, 5th and 6th year students: 1st to 10th of September 2010
- 1st year (repeating students), 2nd and 3rd year students: 20th to 24th de September 2010
- BES student card (only for students from the 2nd to the 6th year).
Practical information
Library profile:
It is a specialized library in Medicine, and its related and complementary subjects.
Opening hours:
Regular, during academic period - From Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
During school holidays - From Monday to Friday: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, sometimes reduced due to unusual causes, duly announced.
From a regular cooperation programme with the Students Association, students work as library assistants to support library extension hours.
Users: Though mainly directed to the Faculty´s members, NMS|FCM library is open to the public in general for on site use.
Premises: The Central Library of the NMS|FCM is located at the Red Building of the NMS|FCM's Research Pole, Rua do Instituto Bacteriológico, 3.
To provide additional space conditions there are 2 library extensions at affiliated hospitals in Lisbon: one at the Facultys building within Pulido Valente Hospital and a small nucleus at Hospital D. Estefânia. There are several computers either workstations or laptops, all with Internet access. There is wireless access at the Library. The digital interface to the Library: BiblioMedConsulta, among general library characteristics, offers specific contents created to provide guidance in information research topics to its users, Faculty´s members and general public as well.
Information sources:
NMS Library and Documentation Division provides access through the Library homepage to biomedical web resources namely:
Ebooks (AccessMedicine colletion, Springer ebooks medicine, b-on ebooks, Springer e-books)
Scientific ejournals (subscribed by NMS, and NOVA & b-on ejournals packages)
NOVA Discovery the integrated UNL libraries and resources catalogue
KOHA OPAC of library books & publications
The NOVA institutional Repository RUN
A to Z biomedical selected resources
Specialized databases (PubMed, WoS, SCOPUS)
If you are a remote user please authenticate with your institutional credentials to access to subscribed resources.
Services provided:
- Manages document circulation via the usual lending services;
- Orients and guides in locating and getting documents non available in its own collections;
- Orients and guides in information searches;
- Participates in Interlibrary Lending and Delivery Services
- The Library provides several distance services to NMS|FCM users, namely providing difficult located articles.
- The Library also has a sector providing assistance in some bibliometric matters and also offering training in the use of citation managers.
Additional Information:
- The Library is the institutional focal point to collect bibliographic production data of NMS|FCM´s authors.
- The Library participates in some Projects at university level: Information Literacy - Besides cooperating in this university strategic project in partnership with other professional specialists and other Academic Units, the Library also offers Information Literacy sessions to NMS|FCM´s users namely annual sessions to new first year students.
- The library also orients a specific optional module integrated into the Doctoral Programme.
- Institutional Repository - Within this project, the Library has been promoting several activities aiming to facilitate the participation of institutional authors into the university Repository - RUN.
Library website (in Portuguese language):
Other equipments
In the Research Pole are located:
1. Research Units:
2. Library
3. Laboratories (22)
4. Facilities (3)
5. Imaging units, flow cytometry, histology and cell culture (5 rooms of differentiated culture)
6. Bar
Interchange programs
The International Relations Office is responsible for student mobility to and from the NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (NMS|FCM), which is done under:
- The European Lifelong Learning Project, specifically Erasmus.
- As Free-mover clinical clerkships.
- The Santander Portuguese-Brazilian University Scholarships programme.
- Specific agreements between the New University of Lisbon´s and Brazilian Universities.
NMS|FCM´s specific Erasmus rules can be can be checked here and additional information can be found in International Relations Office also, practical information common to all of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa´s academic units, are available in this guide.
Contacts and information:
Section of International Mobility
NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Campo Mártires da Pátria, 130
1169-056 Lisboa
Tel.: (+351) 21 880 30 15/71
Fax: (+ 351) 21 880 30 67
Student attendance hours: Monday to Friday, from 2 pm útil 4 pm
For information, please contact:
Prize - Astrazeneca Foundation
Assigning an annual prize for mobility grants from the Erasmus program, students of the 6th year with two main objectives: rewarding the best student and enable the terminal pre-graduate clinical and scientific training in the European Faculties of reference included in the Program. For more information, see the Regulation on the "international" area of the NMS|FCM site.
Scholarship NOVARTIS FARMA, Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A
Award an annual scholarship for 4 years to reward merit student of the academic program in Medicine and Science NMS | FCM life by granting assistance for the payment of research costs of a research project a student of PhD in Medicine or Life Sciences.
Prize of Collaborative Research - Santander Totta/NOVA
This award aims to distinguish research projects to be developed by junior researchers at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, giving preference to projects involving at least two of NOVA's Organic Units.
Prize best student from each year and from Integrated Master in Medicine Santader Totta/NOVA
This award aims to distinguish the best students each year, as well as the best student of all the Integrated Master in Medicine
Language courses
For more information please consult:
Food services
The NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas´ students have access to a canteen at the main building. Also, upon the display of their student card, have access to all the canteens of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa and Lisbon Polytechnic Institute.
Special needs facilities
All NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas infrastructures are fully equipped to comply with the requirements of disabled users.
Extracurricular activities
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Choir
Founded in 1988, it is composed of members of the University' s various faculties.
The NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências´ Academic Association
Responsible for the welcoming of new students, it was started in 1998.
Miguel Torga Theatre Group
Started in 1995, it comprises members of other faculties and Universities.
Tuna Médica de Lisboa
In existence since 1995, it is composed of member of Lisbon' s two Medical Faculties.
Association of former students of the NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Student association
The NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Students Union (AEFCM) was founded in 1979 and is responsible for representing all the students at NMS|FCM. Moved by innovation, dedication and proximity, AEFCM is formed by seven Teams (Communication, Sustainability, International, Recreational, Education Policy, Training and Social Responsability) and six Projects (Revista FRONTAL, FutureMD, Hospital da Bonecada®, iMed Conference®, Marca Mundos® e Saúde Porta a Porta..
Recently, AEFCM has innovated through renowed activities in the fields of Science, Social Responsability, Public Health, Medical Education, Culture and Sports, for which it was awarded the Good Academic Practices Award by the Portuguese Institute for Youth in 2015 and its currently developing more activities regarding environmental sustainability. iMed Conference®, FRONTAL Magazine, Hospital da Bonecada®, Saúde Porta a Porta, Health Screenings,Nacional and International Volunteer Projects, Clinical and Scientific summer clerkships and numerous other cultural, scientific and sports activities are just some examples of the programs with a broad impact in society that we provide our colleagues access to. AEFCM challenges you to get involved and participate in this project.
For further information, please e-mail us to
Other information
Bus: 723, 730, 760 e 767
Lavra Funicular
Metro stations: Avenida (Blue line) / Martim Moniz (Green line)
School calendar
1st Year: 2020-09-14 -> 2021-07-31
2nd Semester: 2021-02-15 -> 2021-07-31
1st Semester: 2020-09-14 -> 2021-02-05