Food Technology
To train professionals to apply innovate technologies, looking for a dynamic positioning of products on the market while maintaining the quality and competitiveness of the professional market. The student must be able to:
a) Understand how food processing influence the stability and nutritional quality and the interaction of these products with consumers health.
b) Correlate the knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology with food processing.
c) To innovate in the presentation and utilization of food processing for nutritional purpose.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor Pedro Louro
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
AMOS, A.J. et al. Manual de indu´strias de los alimentos, 19aed., Zaragoza: Acri´bia, 1968. 1072p. AQUARONE, E., BORZANI, W., LIMA, U.A. Biotecnologia: To´picos de Microbiologia Industrial. Sa~o Paulo: Editora Edgar Blu¨cher Ltda., 1975, v.2, 231p.
BARBOSA, J.J. Introdução a` Tecnologia de Alimentos. Rio de Janeiro: Kosmos, 1976. 118p.
BARUFFALDI, R., OLIVEIRA, M.N. Fundamentos de Tecnologia de Alimentos. Sa~o Paulo: Atheneu, 1998. 317p.
CRUZ., G.A. Desidratação de Alimentos. Rio de Janeiro: Globo, 1989.
ORDO´NEZ, J.A.P. et al. Tecnologia de Alimentos: Componentes dos Alimentos e Processos.V.1, São Paulo: Artmed, 2005. 294p.
SILVA, J.A., Tópicos da Tecnologia de Alimentos, Sa~o Paulo: Livraria Varela, 2000. 227p.
CONTRERAS, C.A., BROMBERG, R., CIPOLLI, K.M.V.A.B., MIYAGUSKU, Higiene e sanitizac¸a~o nas indu´strias de alimentos, Sa~o Paulo: Varela, 2002. 181p.
EVANGELISTA, J. Tecnologia de Alimentos, Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Ateneu, 1992. 625p.
FRANCO, B.G.M., LANDGRAF, M. Microbiologia dos Alimentos, Sa~o Paulo: Atheneu, 1996. 182p.
LIMA, U.A., AQUARONE, E., BORZANI, W. Biotecnologia: Tecnologia das Fermentac¸o~es. Sa~o Paulo: Editora Edgar Blu¨cher Ltda., v.1, 1975, 275p
Teaching method
The course is organized in lectures and practical classes: 2 weekly lectures for all students with a duration of 50 min each; 1 practical class per week of 2 hrs, in classes with a maximum of 15 students.
Evaluation method
The evaluation has a practical component and a final exam, both graded from 0 to 20. The assessment of the practicals is continuous, corresponds to 40% of the final grade, and takes into account the following criteria: performance and attendance of students; quality of the practical reports; attitude and knowledge demonstrated by the students; and one practical test. The final exam is 60% of the final grade, it is a multiple choice written exam, and is covers all the theoretical and practical topics taught. The presence in the examination is conditional to attendance to at least 2/3 of the practical classes and a practical grade of at least 9.5.
Subject matter
1. Definition, history and objectives of food technology;
2. Legislation on food;
3. Changes in food and the importance of conservation;
4. Concepts such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors to food to be considered;
5. Food preservation methods: chemical, biological methods and application of the unit operations of heat, cold, drying, freeze drying, irradiation, high pressure and combined methods.
6. Unconventional methods of food preservation;
7. Security and food safety;
8. Animal products: meat, milk and dairy products;
9. Products of vegetable origin: production of vegetable oils; cereals.
10. Technology of fruit and vegetables
11. Food ingredients for technological purposes;
12. Food ingredients for therapeutic functional use;
13. Biotechnological processes for processing and obtaining functional foods