

At the end of the curricular unit, it is expected that the students acquire theoretical and experimental knowledge to allow the interpretation and food chemistry analysis and to identify factors involved or that interfere in this analysis. It is expected that the students to:
a) have laboratory experience to execute analysis and quality control of products to human consumption
b) know the composition and chemical analysis of essential food products
c) acquire the ability to interpret and communicate the nutritional value of food based on chemical composition to specialist but also to regular consumer.
d) known the most serious issues related to food safety with regard to the presence of contaminants and the impact they have on the health.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof.ª Doutora Ana Faria


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





• Belitz Hans-Dieter; Food chemistry. ISBN: 3-540-40818-5
• Vaclavik, Vickie; Essentials of Food Scienc, ISBN 978-0-387-69940-0
• D Schrenk, Chemical Contaminants and Residues in Food, ISBN 9780857090584
• NIELSEN S.S. Food Analysis. 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4419-1477-4

Teaching method

The course is organized in lectures and practical classes: 2 weekly lectures for all students with a duration of 50 min each; 1 practical class per week of 2 hrs, in classes with a maximum of 15 students.

Evaluation method

The evaluation has a practical component and a final exam, both graded from 0 to 20. The assessment of the practicals is continuous, corresponds to 40% of the final grade, and takes into account the following criteria: performance and attendance of students; quality of the practical reports; attitude and knowledge demonstrated by the students; and one practical test. The final exam is 60% of the final grade, it is a multiple choice written exam, and is covers all the theoretical and practical topics taught. The presence in the examination is conditional to attendance to at least 2/3 of the practical classes and a practical grade of at least 9.5.

Subject matter

1. Food products analysis – general concepts
2. Analytical techniques in food products analysis – volumetry, spectrophotometrics and chromatography
3. Sampling techniques and analysis
4. Extraction and purification analysis
5. Analysis methodologies: humidity, ash, total protein and fat, total sugars and fibre
6. Calculus and discussion of theoretical and chemical composition
7. Analytic methodologies for global  evaluation of food (dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, cereal based products and alcoholic beverages)
8. National and Community legislation and analytical strategy for the quantitative determination of contaminants [residues, pesticides, growth promoters and food contact materials] in food.


Programs where the course is taught: