Research Methods


The students in this UC make contact with scientific method and the various options of experimental models. For this purpose, students must be able to: (1) identify and decide, according to the problem in question, what is the best experimental model to use in a particular study; (2) To know and work with any of the models, knowing the lab technics, ethics rules, the advantages but also the limitations of each model; (3) recognize a good scientific communication; (4) understand the scientific methodology as a tool of professional practice; (5) understand the results in a scientific communication with the criticism needed

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof.ª Doutora Cláudia Sofia Fonseca Marques


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





· Julie A. Lovegrove (Editor), Leanne Hodson (Editor), Sangita Sharma (Editor), Susan A. Lanham-New (Editor) March 2015, ©2014, Wiley-Blackwell Nutrition Research Methodologies

· Artigos atuais da temática

Teaching method

The contents of this UC will be presented in 1 lecture of 1 hour per week and a practical theoretical work in classes with a duration of 2.5h / week in small groups of 10-15 students.

Evaluation method

Evaluation: This UC also has a continuous assessment component along the TP classes. In these classes the student is confronted with the application of knowledge transmitted along the T classes. In the TP classes will also be presented papers for discussion. Students will be confronted with practical problems that should be solved by students, proposing experimental studies and justifying their response.

Subject matter

Module 1

The scientific method in Nutritional Sciences.

Animal models applied to research in nutrition (Rat, Mouse, or other) - requirements, advantages and disadvantages of these models. Animal models commonly used for various metabolic diseases: knockout animals, transgenic, obesity-diet induced/diabetes-diet induced, among others.

Cellular models in nutritional research.

Translation of nutritional research

Module 2

Presentation and discussion of LIC (Clinical Research Law): clinical studies of nutrition.

European regulations for nutritional and health claims.

Clinical studies in nutrition: leges artis. Special features of experimental design (intervention studies and observational studies).

Module 3

Ethical and deontological problems in these studies.

Trial registration. Documents required for the approval by the Ethics Committee.

Clinical studies and National Data Protection Commission.

Module 4

Scientific writing.

The dissemination of science.

The exercise of the profession based on the evidence.


Programs where the course is taught: