Health Quality Management


Quality Management in Health aims to acquire skills and knowledge of students to enable them:

1. Recognize the types of financial management and identify current problems of funding and healthcare services.

2. Identify the health quality management needs, quality dimensions and measurements, indicators and quality standards

3. Identify practices focus on the user: gathering information on needs and satisfaction, complaints management, CRM (customer relationship management).

4. Identify the relevant standards of quality, accreditation and certification methodology.

5. Identify the role of audit in the health services.

6. Develop the ability to self-learning, research and selection of appropriate information.

7. Demonstrate appropriate capacities for synthesis and communication.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof.ª Doutora Maria Teresa Ferreira Herdeiro


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese or English




·         Comparative health knowledge system. Healthcare Accreditation and Quality Unit. (2006). Programa de Acreditação Internacional.

·         Decreto-Lei n.º 71/2012 de 21 de março do Ministério da Economia e do Emprego. Diário da República: I série: No 58. (2012).

·         Despacho n.º 5613/2015, Gabinete do Secretário de Estado Adjunto do Ministro da Saúde.

·         DGS. (2009) Departamento de Qualidade em Saúde. – Programa Nacional de Acreditação em Saúde.

·         DGS. (2016), Plano Nacional de Saúde Revisão e Extensão a 2020. Disponível em

·         JOINT COMISSION INTERNATIONAL. (2008). Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals. Illinois.

·         Simões, J. (2004). Retrato Político da Saúde - dependência do percurso e inovação em saúde: da ideologia ao desempenho. Braga: Almedina.


Teaching method

The teaching and learning methodology demand that students meet the proposed objectives for the course. Thus, the formation of students is based on two components: seminars, using a demonstrative, methodology exhibition and theoretical-practical component to presentation and research, elaboration and discussion of group work.

Evaluation method

Discret assessment: 70% (written exam, two frequencies) + 30% (presentation and discussion of work group).

Subject matter

1. Health Quality. Promotion of Quality Health. Integrated Governance.

2. Economics of health, financing of the health system.

3. Legal framework of health management, organization and administration of health organizations.

4. Health Quality management, historical development.

5. National Strategy for Quality in Health.

6. General principles of quality improvement, health quality indicators.

7. Quality and patient safety, "patient safety" risk management concept: clinical and non-clinical risk.

8. The certification processes and accreditation.

9. Internal and external audits.



Programs where the course is taught: