Multidisciplinary Seminar


Student must be able to 1. Apply, under an interdisciplinary approach, the knowledge acquired on theories, problems and methodologies in urban studies to the development of a specific research proposal. 2. Conceive and develop a research plan in urban studies, display mastery of the relevant literature, and ability to select and treat information from different sources. 3. Be able to structure and communicate complex ideas in the scientific area of urban studies, both orally and written, to an expert audience. 4. Be able to constructively participate in debates over the issues in the area of urban studies both with experts and non-experts.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Margarida Angélica Pires Pereira Esteves


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 560

Teaching language



Available soon


Agier, Michel, Esquisses d’une anthropologie de la ville, Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia Bruylant, 2009. Bassand, Michel, Kaufmann, V., Joye, D(dir.); Enjeux de la Sociologie Urbaine, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2007. Hannerz, Ulf, Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology, New York, Columbia University Press, 1980. Histoire de l’Europe Urbaine, dir Jean-Luc Pinol, Seuil, Paris, 2003, 2 vols. Kleniewski, Nancy (ed.) Cities and Society, Blackwell Publishing, 2005 Lefebvre, Henri, Espace et politique, Paris, Anthropos, 2000(reed). Lefebvre, Henri, La production de l’espace, Paris, Anthropos, 2000(reed). Pinçon, Michel et Pinçon-Charlot, Monique; Paris Mosaique, Promenades Urbaines, Calmann-Lévy, 2001. Roncayolo, Marcel, Lectures de villes. Formes et temps., Paris, 2002. Topalov, Christian e al. (dir), L´aventure des mots de la ville. Paris, Editions Robert Laffont, 20

Teaching method

1. Presentation of case studies by the faculty members participating in the seminar and by the guests considered adequate given the dissertation proposals of the students in class. 2. Discussion of selected papers relevant for the case studies. 3. Discussion of individual dissertation projects. 4. Comment and interpretation of unpublished information with the participation of faculty and students. 5. Discussion of the results of application of learnt methodologies to a problem specific to the area of urban studies.

Evaluation method

The evaluation of this seminar will be individual and focused on the presentation and public defense of the dissertation project, in accordance with the internal regulation of the doctoral study program of FCSH. Participation in the discussions of the seminar can be taken as a valuing factor.(100%)

Subject matter

The syllabus contains two distinguished but complementary: A) Presentation and the discussion of case studies in which the multidisciplinary approach is dominant. Critical presentation of case studies under a disciplinary approach. B) Group (faculty and students) discussion and presentation of the research under development associated to the students’ individual research projects towards the planning of the doctoral dissertation.


Programs where the course is taught: