Arts of the Contemporary Scene


Available soon

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Filipe Gouveia Monteiro


Weekly - 2

Total - 280

Teaching language





BADIOU, Alain (2008) Rhapsody for the theatre: a short philosophical treatise, Theatre Survey, 49:2
DELEUZE, Gilles (1979) « Un manifeste de moins », in Carmelo Bene e Gilles Deleuze, Superpositions, Paris, Minuit
DERRIDA, Jacques (1978) The theatre of cruelty and the closure of representation, in Writing and Difference, Univ. of Chicago Press
KRASNER; SALTZ (eds.) (2009) Staging Philosophy: Instersections of theater, Performance and Philosophy, Univ. of Michigan Press
LEHMANN, Hans-Thies (2002) Le théâtre postdramatique, Paris, L Arche
MONTEIRO, Paulo Filipe (org.) (1998) Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, nº 24, Dramas
PUCHNER, Martin (2010) The Drama of Ideas: Platonic Provocations in Theater and Philosophy, Oxford Univ. Press
SCHECHNER, Richard (2006) Performance Studies: an introduction, New York & London, Routledge
SZONDI, Peter (2001) Teoria do Drama Moderno: 1880-1950, São Paulo, Cosac&Naify

Teaching method

Each student will have to present in class a review of a theoretical study. Students also must present their research, including preparation of audiovisual materials, introducing diverse cases and different perspectives on topics, authors and films of one or more performing arts.
Meetings with artists as well as with pos-doctoral researchers developing work that might be relevant for the students of this course will be promoted, bearing in mind that the very methods to be used must be flexible, according to the projects they are carrying on.

Evaluation method

Oral presentation of original research(20%), Reading and general theoretical research: 20%; Critical review: 20%;(40%), Written paper(40%)

Subject matter

Available soon


Programs where the course is taught: