Issues in the History of Philosophy
a) Detailed understanding of the importance of the history of Philosophy as an integral part of philosophical questions and as a source of problems and non one-sidedness in philosophical contemplation.
b) Detailed knowledge of fundamental questions in the history of Philosophy, so as to combine an understanding of the questions involved, their systematic significance (and their importance for contemporary debate) with a wide mastery of any important historical links.
c) Detailed knowledge of fundamental texts from the history of Philosophy, with a mastery of the interpretative tradition, the current state of research and all the relevant bibliography.
d) Carrying out of research work, under supervision, on the history of Philosophy, demonstrating original explanations and complying with scientific quality standards.
e) Acquisition of skills for carrying out independent research into the history of Philosophy.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Vieira da Rosa e Ferro
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
MONTAIGNE, Les Essais, ed. Villey-Saulnier, Paris, Puf, 2004.
Outras edições a utilizar e/ou a evitar serão indicadas na primeira aula.
A Antologia de Textos traduzida para português é inútil, porque é extraordinariamente reduzida.
Recursos on-line básicos:
Teaching method
There will be a combination of presentation and theoretical expounding of questions, with students participating in the analysis of the questions posed.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
Montaigne: digressions and excursions
The Essays, of Montaigne, are a book "about everything", repelling the intent of systematization. The purpose of the course is tracking some fundamental problems of philosophical thinking.
Programs where the course is taught: