Supervised Teaching Practice Seminar in the Teaching of Philosophy
It is expected that student may be able to:
- Conduct a critical reflection on the training activity underway.
- From personal experience, identify relevant problems in the teaching-learning process and in school activity.
- Know and apply educational research methods.
- Know and apply academic conventions and scientific work protocols.
- Show research skills and familiarity with relevant bibliography.
- Display presentation skills, with conceptual and argumentative clarity, through a fluent, structured and consistent discourse.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Manuel Aires Ventura Bernardo
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 140
Teaching language
Available soon
- Ceia, Carlos, Normas para a apresentação de trabalhos científicos, 9ª. ed., Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 2012.
- Estrela, Albano, Investigação em educação: Métodos técnicas, Lisboa, Educa, 2001.
- Lamas, Estela, Dicionário de metalinguagem da didáctica, Porto, Porto Editora, 2001.
- Pombo, Olga, A escola, a recta e o círculo, Lisboa, Relógio D´ Água Editores, 2002.
Teaching method
Presentation and discussion of educational research subjects and problems centred both on teaching in Secondary School, in general, and the Philosophy course, in particular. Discussion of the relevant individual, scientific, methodological and stylistic requisites for conducting course-related reflection, research and writing of the final report. Critical analysis of the report project and of the individual research proposals. Individual research tutoring.
Evaluation method
Individual research tutoring, through oral and written guidelines, in four stages: project design; completion of descriptive component; completion of reflective and/or research component; completion of report.(100%)
Subject matter
- Teaching activity, course research and educational research.
- Development of individual interests and determination of objects and of pedagogic and scientific projects.
- General foundations and protocols of academic and scientific work.
- Educational research methodologies.
- The use of philosophical knowledge in educational reflection and research.
- Moments and criteria for formulating and understanding a problem.
- Research order and presentation order.
- Evaluation modality in educational reflection and research.