Internship with Report in Heritage


It is intended that the student will:
1. Mobilize and apply scientific knowledge and soft skills to work being developed in a professional context.
2. Acquire / develop some of the skills required by the labor market, such as communication skills, teamwork,
leadership skills and self-responsibility.
3. Promote independence and encourage creativity and innovation in response to the demands of a
professional work environment.
4 Be able to issue reasoned diagnostic and organize projects within theoretical and practical frameworks,
comparability and sustainability.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Professor a definir - FCSH #1


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 1540

Teaching language



Available soon


Depende da natureza de cada investigação mas importa referir os elementos que constam da orientação
subjacente ao Seminário de Acompanhamento.
[1964] LEROI-GOURHAN, André (2012). Le geste et la parole. I.Technique et langage. Paris: Albin Michel.
[1965] ARON, Raymond (2010). As etapas do pensamento sociológico. Lisboa: D.Quixote, 9ª ed.
[1965] LEROI-GOURHAN, André (2012). Le geste et la parole. II. La mémoire et les rythmes. Paris: Albin Michel.
[1969] FOUCAULT, Michel (2008). L´archéologie du savoir. Paris: Gallimard.
[1979] BOURDIEU, Pierre (1985). La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Éditions de Minuit.
[1986] SILVA, Augusto Santos; PINTO, José Madureira (orgs.) (2014). Metodologia das ciências sociais. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 16ª ed.
[1994] NORA, Pierre (coord) (1997). Science et conscience du patrimoine . Paris: Fayard.
[2010] CUSTÓDIO, Jorge (coord) (2010). 100 anos de património. Memória e identidade. Lisboa: IGESPAR.

Teaching method

The training lasts for 800 hours of work, being supervised by a supervisor at the institution.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

The internship takes place in public or private institution with which FCSH has established protocol and
ensures the student performance of relevant professional functions for the application of theoretical and
practical knowledge acquired in the taught component. This work is framed by a training plan set by FCSH and local supervisors and the student, and must be in accordance with the goals assigned during registration of thesis topic The training report includes the characterization of the host institution, the nature of work, the specific tasks undertaken by student for the development of this work, the suggested theoretical or methodological problems, comments about decisions and attach proposals and examples of projects/materials carried out.
The student must also prepare the public discussion of the results.


Programs where the course is taught: