Heritage and Identities


Understand and discuss the concepts of \"heritage\" and \"identity (ies)\" when articulated.
Acquire and analyze information relating to the use of theory for understanding and criticize the problems
inherent in heritage as identity factor.
Acquire/develop skills for the identification and delineation of fields of knowledge and research leading to
disciplinary readings on heritage and identity(ies) in a contemporary context.
Know demonstrations of use of heritage as identity factor throughout the history of Portugal (case studies)
Encourage a requirement of rigor and research, combined with a critical attitude in the construction of
knowledge in oral and written support.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Manuel de Almeida Camões Gouveia


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


CLEMENTE, Manuel (2008). Portugal e os portugueses. Lisboa: Assírio &
Alvim. COSTA (2016). COSTA, Alexandre Alves (2016). Sentido ou falta de
sentido do ser português. Porto: FLUP. GIL, José (2009). Em busca da 

identidade. O desnorte. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. MARTINS, Guilherme
d’Oliveira (2009). Património, herança e memória. A cultura como criação.
Lisboa: Gradiva. RIBEIRO, Orlando (1991). Portugal o Mediterrâneo e o
Atlântico. Lisboa: Sá da Costa, 6ª ed. [1ª ed. 1945]. SANTOS, Boaventura
Sousa (2011). Portugal. Ensaio contra a autoflagelação. Coimbra: Livraria
Almedina. TORGA, Miguel (2000). Portugal. Lisboa: Publicações Dom
Quichote, [1ª ed.1950].

Teaching method

The seminar will have as a continuity system face-to-face sessions and
students autonomous work. The face-to-face classes will be of a theoretical-
practical nature, alternating moments of theoretical exposition of the themes,
concepts, vocabulary and specific methods of the area with the analysis and
commentary of texts presented by the students.

Evaluation method

Athree interventions by the student(30%), oral participation in all sessions(20%), written elaboration of a synthesis paper(50%)

Subject matter

Methodologies. Discussion of topics, chronologies, concepts and problematics.
Identity in the UNESCO Charters. The identity and the built historical heritage
(the <monuments>). The literary dimensions of identity and school programs.
Routes by some thinkers of Portugals identities: Antero de Quental, Oliveira
Martins, António Sérgio, Agostinho da Silva, Jorge de Sena, Eduardo Lourenço.


Programs where the course is taught: