Monitoring Seminar (Cultural Heritage)


Understand and discuss the concept of heritage and the realities of setup to associate him: history, memory, sociability and policies, norms and fashions.
Refocusing information and theoretical references acquired in different seminars as a way to understand and critique the problems inherent likely to lead to sustainable heritage investigations.
Developing skills for the identification and delineation of fields of knowledge and research leading to
disciplinary readings of specificities heritage.
Meet manifestations definition, inventory, preservation and enhancement of the heritage that allow to establish itself as case studies.
Encourage a demand for rigor and research, combined with a critical attitude in the construction of knowledge in oral and written support, to the field of editing rules.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paula Alexandra Ochôa de Carvalho Telo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 140

Teaching language



Available soon


LEROI-GOURHAN, André (2012). Le geste et la parole. I.Technique et langage. Paris: Albin Michel.
ARON, Raymond (2010). As etapas do pensamento sociológico. Lisboa: D.Quixote, 9ª ed.
LEROI-GOURHAN, André (2012). Le geste et la parole. II. La mémoire et les rythmes. Paris: Albin Michel.
FOUCAULT, Michel (2008). L´archéologie du savoir. Paris: Gallimard.
BOURDIEU, Pierre (1985). La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Éditions de Minuit.
SILVA, Augusto Santos; PINTO, José Madureira (orgs.) (2014). Metodologia das ciências sociais. Porto:
Edições Afrontamento, 16ª ed.
NORA, Pierre (coord) (1997). Science et conscience du patrimoine . Paris: Fayard.
CUSTÓDIO, Jorge (coord) (2010). 100 anos de património. Memória e identidade. Lisboa: IGESPAR.

Teaching method

The seminar will have as a continuation of tutorial system of independent monitoring of student work, leaving
time for research and reflection.
The actual classes are of theoretical and practical, involving all students based on the literature of the two axis.
This class will be split into individual sessions, which participate one or more teachers in the areas of interest
of each of them in order to guide the polls and support the ongoing methodological and epistemological

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Two parallel choice for a scientific, rigorous and tested, leading to the investigation and preparation of the D, PW or P.
1 His determination problems and possibility to have supported research.
2 Construction of state of the art.
3 Check the availability of empirical / documentary information.
4 Construction of its analytical content, problems, quizzes and objectives schemes.
5 Preparation of chips reading of competing studies for its solution.
6 Review of the subject by involving a diagnosis: the state of the art, empirical / documentary availability,
methodologies, time frames for implementation and planning research.
1. Reflection on each of the above operations based on learning from teaching.
2 Questioning social sciences on methodologies based on SILVA / PINTO, NORA and CUSTÓDIO.
3. Problematization of epistemological and conceptualisation based on the study of LEROI-GOURHAN, ARON, FOUCAULT and BOURDIEU.


Programs where the course is taught: