Political Sociology


The course aims to give students an understanding of the major analytical traditions, conceptual innovations, and themes researched in the field of political sociology.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Miguel Alegria SIlveira, António Pedro Ginestal Tavares de Almeida


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





ALMEIDA, Pedro Tavares de, PINTO, António Costa & BERMEO, Nancy (dir.) (2012). Quem governa a Europa do Sul?. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais (2ª ed.).
LIPSET, Seymour Marting (1992). Consenso e conflito - Ensaios de sociologia política. Lisboa: Gradiva.
NOHLEN, Dieter. (2007), Os sistemas eleitorais: O contexto faz a diferença. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
WEBER, Max. (2005 [1919]), “A política como vocação (Politik als Beruf)” in Três tipos de poder e outros escritos. Lisboa: Tribuna da História, pp. 63-115.

Turma A - Lic. CPRI
EISENSTADT, Shmuel N. (2007), MÚLTIPLAS MODERNIDADES, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte.

Teaching method

In class teaching. Lectures introducing the major themes of the course (60%), and presentation and discussion of assigned readings by students (40%).

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

The nature and scope of the discipline: theoretical perspectives, methodological strategies, and fields of study. Some key political concepts. Modernization and political development: the emergence of competitive mass politics. The social determinants of political life: types of cleavage structures. Democratization processes and the prerequisites to democratic consolidation. Consensus and conflict. Citizen politics and elections. The political consequences of electoral laws. Voting behaviour: explanatory theories. Bureaucracy, political parties and democracy. The comparative study of political elites.