Sociology of Education
1. Knowledge and understanding of the main theories of Sociology of Education; 2. Understanding of education systems as simultaneously opportunity systems and inequality systems; 3. Understanding interactions between education systems and other socialisation agents; 4. Ability to apply knowledge to the sociological to problematize and analyse of real-life educational processes; 5. Ability to intervene an informed and critical way in designing, implementing and monitoring educational policies at national and local levels; 6. Ability to communicate sociological questions and knowledge about educational processes in a meaningful and accurate way.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José David Gomes Justino
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
APPLE, Michael (2010), Stephen J. Ball e Luis Armando Gandin, (Eds). The Routledge international handbook of the sociology of education (pp. 1-11). Routledge: New York.
BOLI, John, Francisco O. Ramirez, & John W. Meyer (1985). \"Explaining the origins and expansion of mass education\". Comparative Education Review, 29 (2), 145-170.
BOURDIEU, Pierre and Jean-Claude Passeron (1970). La Reproduction: élements pour une théorie du système d enseignement. Paris: Minuit.
COLLINS, Randall (1979). The credential society: An historical sociology of education and stratification. Academic Press.
DURKHEIM, Émile (2006). Education et sociologie. Paris: PUF.
MEYER, J.W., David H. Kamens & Aaron Benavot (Org.) (1992). School knowledge for the masses: World models an national primary curricular categories in the twentieth century. Washington: The Falmer Press.
YOUNG, Michael (2010). Conhecimento e Currículo. Do Socioconstrutivismo ao Realismo Social na Sociologia da Educação. Lisboa: Porto Editora.
Teaching method
Lectures (50%) and practical sessions (50%). Each lecture exposes the fundamental theoretical concepts and frameworks. The practical classes work comprehension, discussion and oral and written expression. They are organized around pedagogical material relevant to the topic, whether the analysis and discussion of materials and information or the discussion and layout of arguments / results of selected texts, previously read by students and with the support of the teacher. Some practical classes are used to follow the problematization essays, which will be held in groups outside the classroom context.
Evaluation method
Assessment based on participation (10%), reading form (15%),(25%), oral presentation of the work (20%)(20%), written essay (25%) and frequency test (30%).(55%)
Subject matter
1. Origins and institutionalisation of the Sociology of Education. 2. Sociological theories of education: from classics to recent contributions. 3. National mass education systems: origin, development and current trends. 4. Towards a sociology of curriculum: school knowledge and social reproduction. 5. Social inequalities and educational inequalities. Towards a comprehensive model of social reproduction mechanisms in education systems. 6. Towards a sociology of school organisation: School cultures and professional cultures 7. Sociology of educational policies.
Programs where the course is taught: