Sociology of Organisations


1. Knowledge and undersatnding of basic concepts of the sociological study of organisations; 2. Understanding organisations in the light of social regularities inderpinning their productive process; 3. Knowledge and understanding of the ideal types of organisational models within which take plece issues such as: employment; mangement and development of human potential; sociotechnical adaptation; organisational change; professional qualification; 4. Ability to read theoretically the main lines of an organisations´ social processess; Ability to use models to deal with the complexity and diversity of an organisation; 6. Ability to intervene in a critical and informed way ons organisational processes and situations.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Helena Maria Rocha Serra


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Bernoux, Ph. (1995). A sociologia das organizações. Porto: Rés.
Ferreira, J.M.C., Neves, J. & Caetano, A. (2001). Manual de psicossociologia das organizações. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill 
Hall, R.H. (2004). Organizações: Estruturas, processos e resultados. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall, 
Handel, M.J. (ed.) (2003). The sociology of organizations: Classic, contemporary and critical readings. London: Sage.
Mintzberg, H. (1995). Estrutura e dinâmica das organizações. Lisboa: Dom Quixote

Teaching method

. Theoretical lectures (50%): theoretical lectures (teacher).
. Practical classwork and tutorials (50%): reading and texts analysis; Thematic Workshop presentations about a research topic, according to each syllabus section (students).

Evaluation method

Oral presentation by groups (two groups per session), according to the presentations calendar. Student groups present and debate a topic, according to guidelines and with the previous work accomplished in the practical lectures(25%), Participation in discussion (groups presentation sessions): following the presentation of the topic by the groups, all the other groups will participate in the discussion, which will be moderated by the teacher(15%), Written test in class (60%): individual assignment. All syllabus topics are included.(60%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction The social perspective of organisations: basic concepts OrganisationsTheory/Sociology of Organisations: object, research and method(s) 2. Classical Theories Scientific Management Principles (F.W. Taylor) Fayol and Ford contributions Max Weber bureaucratic model The bureaucratic model in contemporary societies 3. The early Human Relations Theory HRT main topics The racionalisation of human factor – a critical analysis 4. Organisations as Social and Technological Systems General system theory (GST) The social-technical experiments 5. Contingency Theories: Organisations as Open Systems Technology and organisational models External environment, technology and organisations 6. Power, Politics and Organisations Strategic analyses Political organisation theories Resource dependency theory 7. Contemporary organisational theories Organisational Ecology Theory Cognitivism in organisational studies Institutional theory


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