General Sociology: Basic Principles
1. Knowledge and understanding of the central assumptions of sociology as a science of social phenomena; 2. Fundamental knowledge about the emergence and development of sociology in the context of the social sciences; 3. Capacity to disassemble critically the "common sense" ways of thinking which stand as obstacles to sociological knowledge; 4. Knowledge and understanding of basic sociological theory concepts, namely: "social structure", "institutionalization", "institution", "social status" "social role", "expectations", "sanctions", "legitimation" and "socialization"; 5. Capacity to articulate these concepts theoretically; 6. Capacity of applying these concepts to the analysis of empirical situations; 7. A fisrt understanding of the contrasts and complementarities between different nuclear sociological perspectives; 8. Capacity to distinguish the particular mode of how each of the perspectives operates in questioning and analysis of social reality.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Miguel da Silva de Almeida Chaves
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Berger, P., & Luckmann, T. (2004). A construção social da realidade: tratado de sociologia do conhecimento. Dinalivro. Berger, P. (1986). Perspectivas sociológicas: uma visão humanística. Vozes. Costa, A.F. (1992). Sociologia. Difusão Cultural. Dahrendorf, R. (1969). Homo Sociologicus: ensaio sobre a história, o significado e a crítica da categoria de papel social. Tempo Brasileiro. Giddens, A. (2008). Sociologia (6.ª ed.). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Nunes, A.S. (1979). Sobre o problema do conhecimento nas Ciências Sociais. GIS. Silva, A.S. (1989), A Ruptura com senso-comum nas ciências sociais. In J. M. Pinto & A. S. Silva (Orgs.), Metodologia das ciências sociais (pp. 29-53). Afrontamento. Turner, J.H. (1994). Sociology: concepts and uses. McGraw-Hill.
Teaching method
Teaching methodologies include theoretical lectures (50%) and practical classwork (50%), individual tutorials and clarification of doubts by email or Moodle. Theoretical lectures teach the syllabus contents, being open to critical participation by the students. The classes are divided into discussion sessions on themes related to the subject (first 2 blocks) and the presentation and discussion of texts (3rd block). All syllabus blocks include development readings.
Evaluation method
an oral presentation of a text in class (25%); critical review of the text submitted(25%), Evaluation consists of a written test on all the theoretical subjects (50%), critical review of the text submitted (25%)
Subject matter
1. Introduction 1.1. Assumptions and definition of sociology. 1.2. Obstacles and essential discontinuities to the development of sociological research. 2. The social world as a reality structured in permanent construction - externalization, objectification and internalization of social reality. 2.1. The construction of the social world from the practices of the actors. 2.2. Forms of institutionalization and institutional development. 2.3. Norms, status, expectations, roles and sanctions. 2.4. Forms of legitimacy of institutions. 2.5.The problem of maintenance and reproduction of institutional order. 2.6.Frames and socialization processes. 3.Sociology as a pluriparadigmatic science. 3.1.Incursion in three central perspectives of sociological theory: functionalism, the conflict perspective and symbolic interactionism. 3.2.Articulation and confrontation of different perspectives. 3.3.Mobilization and comparison of different perspectives in the analysis of sociological themes.
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