Comprehensive Research Methods and Techniques
1. Understanding the differences between explanation and understanding approaches, as well as to bring them together and their overlaps; 2. Knowledge of the main methods of collecting qualitative information; 3. Capacity to select methods and techniques of qualitative research relevant for different research situations; 4. Capacity to plan the application of qualitative research techniques to basic research situations; 5. Capacity to perform research operations under supervision; 6. Knowledge and understanding of the techniques of qualitative analysis and its application conditions; 7. Capacity to communicate in a an accurate and meaningful way the procedures and the results of a qualitative research.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Miguel da Silva de Almeida Chaves
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Bardin, L. (1995). Análise de conteúdo. Edições 70. Burgess, R. (1997). A pesquisa de terreno. Celta. Ghiglione, R., & Matalon, B. (1992). O inquérito. Teoria e prática. Celta. Guerra, I. C. (2006). Pesquisa qualitativa e análise de conteúdo: sentidos e formas de uso. Principia. Maroy, C. (1997). A análise qualitativa de entrevistas. In L. Albarello et al., Práticas e métodos de investigação em ciências sociais (pp. 117-155). Gradiva. Marvasti, A. (2004). Qualitative research in sociology: an introduction. Sage. Ruquoy, D. (1997). Situação de entrevista e estratégia do entrevistador. In In L. Albarello et al., Práticas e métodos de investigação em ciências sociais (pp.84-116). Gradiva.
Teaching method
Teaching methodologies consist of lectures (50%) and practical classes (50%), as well as individual or tutoring and clarification of doubts both by email and through the moodle platform. Theoretical sessions aim at the transmission of the syllabus contents and are open to the participation and criticism of the students. Pratical classes aim to launch and support the progress of two practical assignements. The first of these exercises aims to promote contact with the research field method, the second with the various techniques involved in conducting and analysing in-depth interviews. The last two elements of assessment are conducted in groups.
Evaluation method
A written test about all the matters taught in the lectures takes place as the term ends(30%), Pratical assignement, conducted in groups, centered on research field method(40%), Pratical assignement, conducted in groups, using techniques involved in conducting and analysing in-depth interviews(30%)
Subject matter
1. Relationship between comprehensive approach and qualitative methodologies 2. Ethnography as a methodological strategy: characteristics and history 2.1. Planning ethnography 2.2. The point of departure, the selection of the "sample" and the problem of "gaining access" 2.3. Techniques for collecting information: direct observation, informal interviews and document collection 2.4 Techniques of recording: the "field diary" and other resources 2.5 Data analysis and writing of the monography 3 The methodology of interview: the different types of interviews in sociology 3.1 Types of interview, according to the study objectives and the "degree of freedom" granted to the respondent 3.2 Selection of the topics and construction of the script 3.4 Issues, options and implementation strategies 3.5. Content analysis: definition and relevance 3.6. Type of content analysis 3.7. Thematic analysis: the corpus; corpus encoding and general operations of classification and analysis
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