Problems of Sociological Research
1. An integrative understanding of the application of concepts, theories and methods of sociological research, learned in other curricular units, which will be discussed through the operationalization of sociological research of social problems;
2. Ability to formulate sociologically significant problems about topics and concrete situations;
3. Abitily to operationalize objects of sociological research;
4. Ability to design and implement elementary projects of empirical sociological research;
5. Ability to communicate in a rigorous and meaningful way the theoretical and methodological construction, and research findings.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Manuel Gaspar da Silva Lisboa
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
To have accomplished a minimum of 48 ECTS credits
Becker, H.S. et al. (1986). Writing for social ccientists: How to start and finish your thesis, book, or article. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press
Beck, U. & Beck-Gernsheim, E. (2005). Individualization. London: Sage
Berger, P. & Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality. N. York: Anchor Books
Roberts, B. (2006). Micro social theory. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bryman, A. & Burgess, R. (eds.) (1994). Analyzing qualitative data. London: Routledge Gilbert, N. (2001). "Writing about social research". In Gilbert, N. (ed.) Researching social life. London: Sage, pp. 362-377
Giddens, A. (1993). New rules of sociological method. Standord: Stanford University Press.
Merton, R.K. (1968). Social theory and social structure. New York: The Free Press.
Teaching method
- Theoretical presentation, by the lecturers (50%)
- Practical work; presentation and discussion in class, by the students, of texts provided by the lecturer (10 blocks of texts). In each class, we will discuss thematic blocks; the students enrolled in this group will be divided so that one half will present the text, and the other half a critical counterargument (50%).
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
- Individual presentation / counterargument of texts(30%), - Individual summary of the remaining blocks of texts provided by the lecturer (5 blocks)(10%), -Individual written assignment on a topic relating to the curricular unit, with previous agreement of the lecturer, to be presented and discussed during the examination and assessment period (maximum 10 pages).(60%)
Subject matter
1. Social problems and sociological problematics. Problem identification and the construction of problematics
2. Parameters of theory building: macro and micro
3. The object of sociology and the other social sciences
4. Old and false problems: quantitative versus qualitative, objectivity and subjectivity, empiricism and theorization.
5. Individual action and collective dynamics
6. Systems of values and institutions. Normativity, conformity and deviance
Programs where the course is taught: