Demographic Theory and Analysis


1. Understanding the population as a dynamic component of societies;
2. Knowledge and understanding of the main interpretive theories of demographic processes;
3. Knowledge of the main characteristics and recent trends in the demography of Portugal, framed in the European and world context;
4. Ability to use demographic analysis techniques and methodologies in the construction of population characterisation indicators;
5. Ability to analyse demographic dynamics in Portugal, using data published by official sources and carrying out territorialized studies;
6. Ability to address demographic challenges in an integrated manner and other relevant social components;
7. Ability to produce rigorously knowledge and critical spirit, mobilising relevant empirical and theoretical information in demographic analysis;
8. Ability to communicate rigorously and significantly the knowledge and results.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Paula Bexiga Martins Arguelles Gil


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Bandeira, Mário Leston (2018). Introdução à Demografia: Trabalhos Práticos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Nazareth, J. Manuel (2004). Demografia: A Ciência da População. Lisboa: ed. Presença.
Rodrigues, Teresa Ferreira (2009). História da População Portuguesa. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Rosa, M. J. Valente e Vieira, C. (2003). A população portuguesa no século XX: Análise dos Censos de 1900 a 2001. Lisboa: ICS.
Rosa, Mª João V., (2012). O Envelhecimento da Sociedade Portuguesa. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Rowland, Donald T. (2008). Demographic methods and concepts. 3ª ed. Oxford University Press.
Weeks, J.R. (2008). Population: An introduction to concepts and issues. 10ª edição. WadsworthGroup.

Teaching method

Theoretical sessions: presentation and development of syllabus in its theoretical and analytical dimensions.  Practical sessions: Application of knowledge about the contents presented in the theoretical sessions, through the exercise of practical work (individual or group) proposed by the teachers.

Evaluation method

2 Written tests (50% + 50%) (100%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction to Demography (object, methods, characteristics of the demographic system, branches of analysis)
2. Interpretive Theories: Malthusian and Demographic Transition Theory
3. Demographic Facts and Trends (World, Europe, Portugal)
4. Data sources
4.1. Census and vital statistics
4.2. Demographic data on web
5. Methods of demographic analysis and indicators
5.1. General principles of demographic analysis: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis, Lexis Diagram
5.2. Measures about population characteristics: Size; Structure; Distribution in the territory
5.3. Measures about population processes: Birth / fertility; Mortality; Migrations
6. Social impacts of demographic dynamics.


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