History of England


a) To provide students with a general outline of the history of England from the first Anglo-Saxon settlements (5th century) to the end of the War of the Roses (1485), reviewing the main political, social, economic and institutional features of medieval England.
b) To introduce students to a country in constant interaction with mainland Europe, as well as to an historical process where conflict and continuity do often coexist.
c) To encourage students to collect information and data on facts and individuals which have somehow shaped medieval English/British history.
d) To help students put into practice the information provided, by applying it, as critically and independently as possible, to their own topics, thereby enhancing their research, analytical and interpretative skills.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Gabriela Ferreira Gandara da Silva e Borges Terenas


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


- ALARCÃO, Miguel (2014). ‘This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle’: breve roteiro histórico-cultural da Idade Média inglesa (Séculos V-XV). Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa, “Cadernos de Anglística”, nº 18, 2014 (Web http://www.ulices.org/images/site/publicacoes/cadernos/CadAngl-18-web.pdf)
- BLACK, Jeremy (1997). A History of the British Isles. Houndmills, Basingstoke, and London: Macmillan Press Ltd.
- BRIGGS, Asa (1985). A Social History of England. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.
- DAVIES, Norman (2000). The Isles: A History. London: Papermac/Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
- KEARNEY, Hugh (1998). The British Isles. A History of Four Nations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, “Canto.
- MORGAN, Kenneth O., ed. (1989). The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain. Oxford: O.U.P.

Teaching method

Apart from the lectures , the course MAY include oral presentations of the students´ projects, leaving aside, at the end of each class, a short period for comments and debate. Suggestions and materials for further reading will be made available, together with the regular monitoring of the students´ researches.

Evaluation method

A short essay (4 pages) written in class (100%)

Subject matter

I) Introduction:
I.1. Geographical features and natural resources.
I.2. Towards an historical mythology.
II) Medieval England (c.410-1485):
II.1. The Anglo-Saxon period (c.410-1066).
II.2. The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1154).
II.3. The Crown and the Barons (1154-1337).
II.4. The Medieval Twilight (1337-1485).