19th Century French Culture


a) Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between the historical, cultural, social and political dimensions of nineteenth-century France;
b) Develop knowledge about the nineteenth-century France and seize the main complexities of the century;
c) Analyze and compare various forms of intervention (painting, music, literature);
d) Reflect on theoretical texts and essays related to the most relevant topics;
e) Produce reflections and critical thinking about issues related to the themes addressed during the semester.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Márcia Liliana Seabra Neves


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


- AA.VV. 2007. Nouvelle Histoire de la France Contemporaine (Tomes 1 à 10). Paris: Éditions du Seuil. 
- FERRO, Marc. 2011. História de França. Lisboa: Edições 70.
- RÉMOND, René. 2002. Introduction à l´Histoire de notre temps (Tomes 1-2). Paris: Éditions du Seuil. 
- RIOUX, J-P. and SIRINELLI, J-F. 2005. Histoire Culturelle de la France (Tome 3). Paris: Éditions du Seuil. 
- WINOCK, Michel. 2003. La France Politique: XIXe - XXe siècle. Paris: Seuil. 
- WINOCK, Michel. 1999. Le siècle des intellectuels. Paris: Éditions du Seuil.

Teaching method

Lectures introducing the major themes of the course (2/3), and presentation and discussion of assigned readings by students (1/3).
In class teaching.

Evaluation method

Attendance and participation in classes(10%), Oral presentation(30%), Two written tests, one in the middle and one at the end of the class period(60%)

Subject matter

1. The decline of the "Ancien Régime": France in 1789
2. The French Revolution
3. Napoleon Bonaparte and the napoleonic episode
4. The Romantic movement
5. The Revolution of 1848
6. "The last day of a condemned man": Victor Hugo and death penalty
7. Victor Schoelcher and abolitionism
8. The Realist movement
9. The Second Empire and Napoleon III
10. Baron Haussmann and the urban transformation of Paris
11. The Paris Commune
12. Utopias, Anarchism and Socialism in 19th century France
13. The Impressionist movement
14. The Third Republic: Republicanism shaping France
15. The Third Republic: The "Dreyfus Affair"