Classical Greek Culture


a) To acquire conscience of Western cultural roots;
b) To acquire knowledge of the Greek ancient culture in its different ages;
c) To know the traces of the Hellenic legacy in European culture.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Leonor Santa Bárbara de Carvalho


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





- Burckhardt, Jacob. The Greeks and Greek Civilization (tr. by Sheila Stern; introd. by Oswyn Murray). London, Fontana Press, 1998.
- Burkert, W. A religião grega na época clássica e arcaica (trad. de M. J. Simões Loureiro). Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1993.
- Hornblower, Simon. The Greek World (479-323 B. C.). London & New York, Routledge, 2006 (reimpr.).
- Préaux, Clarie. El mundo helenístico. Grecia y Oriente (323-146 a. C.) (trad. de Juan Faci Lacasta). Barcelona, Editorial Labor, 1984 (2 vols.).
- Rocha Pereira, Mª. Helena da. Estudos de história da cultura clássica, vol. I: Cultura grega. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1980 (5ª. ed.).

Teaching method

Lectures, with analysis and discussion of texts, and individual work of students, related with the topics of the programme, presented orally.

Evaluation method

a written essay and a test. The essay should be presented orally and its mark is the weighing of the written version and the oral presentation(50%), test(50%)

Subject matter

I. Greece and its history: the framing of a civilisation.
1. Formation of Greece and the constitution of the Greeks.
2. Greek identity.
3. Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations.
4. From the Archaic age to the Hellenistic age: the evolution of one civilisation.
II. Greek culture.
1. Literature and culture.
2.The Homeric poems.
3. Hesiod and a new conception of life.
4. The archaic poetry.
5. Greek education in Classical age: Athens and Sparta.
6. Greek religion: gods and man.
7. The theatre: tragedy and comedy.
8. Greek art.
9. Greek political thought.
10. The Hellenistic age: a new conception of life; literature and culture in the Hellenistic age.