20th Century German Culture
a) To acquire and to master a good knowledge of German Culture since the beginning of the 20th century until the present day;
b)To be able to read fundamental texts in the field of German Culture and to analise its interaction with the Austrian Culture;
c) To be able to reflect critically about the german national identity and some of its topoi, such as „Heimat“ / „Deutscher Sonderweg“ /„Leitkultur“ / „Multikulti“;
d)To help students organize a bibliographical research in order to conceive an oral presentation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Gabriela Castro de Vilhena Fragoso
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Good knowledge of German
- Hermand, J. Deutsche Kulturgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Primus – Verlag, Darmstadt, 2006.
- Johnston, W. M. Österreichische Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte: Gesellschaft und Ideen im Donauraum 1848 bis 1938. Böhlau Verlag, Wien, 2006.
- Krista, O.,Bridenthal, R. & Reagin, N. (eds). The \"Heimat\" Abroad. The Boundaries of Germanness. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2005.
- Mann, Thomas. Um percurso político. Da primeira guerra mundial ao exílio americano. Selecção, organização e prefácio de Teresa Seruya, Bertrand, Lisboa,2016.
- Mann, Thomas. Deutsche Ansprache. Ein Appell an die Vernunft, in: Ders., Ein Appell an die Vernunft. Essays 1926-1933, Hermann Kurzke und Stephan Stachorski (Hg.), S.259-279.Frankfurt a.M., 1994.
- Niven, W. J. & Jordan, J. Politics and Culture in Twentieth-century Germany. Camden House, New York, 2003.
- Zweig, Stefan. O mundo de ontem. Recordações de um europeu. (Trad. Gabriela Fragoso), Assírio e Alvim, Lisboa, 2005.
Teaching method
The teaching method is mainly reflexive and oriented to the contents of the CU. Students will present and discuss key texts and documents.
Evaluation method
A mid-term test and a final test(50%), Participation in class is mandatory and includes an oral presentation(50%)
Subject matter
a)A survey of the development of contemporary German Culture through its thinkers, writers, scientists and artists;
b) Culture and Civilization: the never-ending debate;
c) The german „Sonderweg“;
d) Jewish Culture in Germany and Austria
e) World Wars I and II: their impact on both the German and the Austrian Culture
Programs where the course is taught: