History of the Portuguese Language
a) To identify Portuguese distinctive features, within the general and, in particular, Hispanic, Romance context, and to relate them with linguistic changes occurred throughout its history.
b) To describe the main changes which occurred throughout the various periods of the history of Portuguese.
c) To identify and to describe linguistic changes which explain diachronic relations between etyma and their derived forms.
d) To acquire basic competences for the analysis of different types of texts, from distinct periods, aiming at their exploration as sources for language history.
e) To relate some of the traits of Contemporary Portuguese variation to aspects of language history.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Teresa Leitão Brocardo
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Alkire, T. and C. Rosen. 2010. Romance languages. A historical introduction.
Cambridge: CUP.
Brocardo, M. T. 2014. Tópicos de história da língua portuguesa. Lisboa: Colibri.
Brocardo, M. T. and C. R. S. Lopes. 2016. History and Current Setting. In W. L.
Wetzels, S. Menuzzi and J. Costa (eds.) The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics.
Malden / Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1-14.
Herman, J. 2000. Vulgar Latin. University Park Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania
State Univ Press.
Martins, A. M. 2016. O português numa perspetiva diacrónica e comparativa. In
A. M. Martins e E. Carrilho (eds.) Manual de Linguística Portuguesa. Berlin: De
Gruyter, pp. 1-39.
Teyssier, Paul. 1982. História da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Sá da Costa
Williams, E. B. 1975. Do latim ao português. Fonologia e morfologia históricas
da língua portuguesa. Tempo Brasileiro.
Teaching method
Class sessions include both theoretical and practical approaches. Regular attendance is strongly advised as well as the development of autonomous work. Class sessions include extensive presentation of course topics, explanation of examples, analysis and linguistic comment of text sources, exercises.
Regular attendance is strongly advised as well as the development of autonomous work.
Evaluation method
written test(50%), written test(50%)
Subject matter
i. From Latin to Portuguese
From Latin to the Romance languages – continuity and divergence. Pan-Romance changes vs. (more or less) specific paths. Linguistic changes and nonlinguistic conditioning factors – Portuguese decisive differentiation.
ii. The emergence of Portuguese writing
Language vs. ´scripta´ emergence. The transition from Latin to Portuguese writing.
The most ancient Portuguese written records.
iii. Medieval Portuguese
Linguistic analysis of extant written records (13th to 15th centuries). Identification of Old Portuguese distinctive features. Linguistic changes concluded or in progress during the 15th century.
Periodization topics.
iv. Contemporary Portuguese from a historical perspective.
European Portuguese dialects as consequences of divergent changes (Classical and Modern Portuguese periods).
Unity and variation of Contemporary Portuguese – varieties and norms; unilingual and multilingual communities.
Brazilian Portuguese from a historical perspective.
Programs where the course is taught: