a) To know the French romanticism, relating it with the equivalent movements of other literatures and European cultures;
b) To identify some characteristic features of early modernity;
c) be able to articulate the programmatic texts of the time with literary analysis;
d) have critical capacity to analyze the theoretical thinking, knowing articulate some concepts with the reading of the works studied in the program.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Márcia Liliana Seabra Neves
Weekly -
Total -
Teaching language
Available soon
Benjamin, W. (1990). Charles Baudelaire. Un poète lyrique à l´apogée du capitalisme. Paris: Payot.
Burgwinkle, W, Hammond, N. & Wilson, E. (Eds) (2011). The Cambridge History of French Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hollier, D. (dir.) (1993). De la littérature française. Paris: Bordas.
Mélonio, F., Marchal, B. & Noiret, J. (2007). XIXe siècle. In Mélonio, F., Marchal, B., Noiray, J. & Compagnon, A. (dir.). La littérature française: dynamique et histoire. Paris: Folio, p. 295-541.
Tadié, J.-Y. (2007). La Littérature Française, 2. Paris: Folio.
Teaching method
The curricular unit works on collective and classroom sessions. We seek to a balance between sessions gain momentum by the teacher, the exposure of theoretical contents about the surrounding context of the author and the production of works, the issues of textual transmission of ancient texts, with practical sessions, the commentary of literary texts. Regular use of appropriate web resources shall be encouraged and the Moodle platform will be a used as a main tool for individual and collective work.
Evaluation method
Participation in practical classes(20%), Two written tests, one in the middle and one at the end of the class period(80%)
Subject matter
1- Characteristics of the literary movements of XIXth Century: Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism.
2 - In search of a new aesthetic: the modernity of Baudelaire´s poetry in Les Fleurs du mal and the symbolism of Rimbaud, the "visionary" poet of Illuminations.
3- Models of the realist novel and representations of the romantic ideal in Le Rouge et le Noir de Sthendal and Madame Bovary de Flaubert.
Programs where the course is taught: