Francophone Literature


a)To identify the francophone geographical  space 
b)To apply interdisciplinary methodologies regarding the francophone imaginary.
c)To contextualize the studied authors in the francophone literary field
d)To recognize  and to reflect about the francophone literary dynamic 
e)To make bibliographic research in francophone literary studies regarding critical readings. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Márcia Liliana Seabra Neves


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Bibliografia activa:
Diome, F. (2005), La préférence nationale : et autres nouvelles, 6e éd. Paris, Dakar : Présence africaine.
Jelloun, T. B. (2007).  L´enfant de sable. La nuit sacrée : romans . Paris : Points.
Bibliografia passiva:
Bhabha, H. K. (1990). Nation and narration. London : Routledge.
Bessière, J. & Moura, J.- M. (dir.) (2001). Littératures postcoloniales et francophonie . Paris: Honoré Champion.
Combe, D. (2010). Les Littératures francophones. Questions, débats, polémiques . Paris: PUF.
McDonald, C. & Suleiman, S. C. (2010). French Global. New York: Columbia University Press.
Omotoso, K. (1998). Migración hacia el Sur. Barcelona: Ed. Bellaterra.
Sanches, M. R. (org.)  (2005). Deslocalizar a Europa - Antropologia, Arte, Literatura e História na Pós- Colonialidade. Lisboa: Cotovia.   

Teaching method

Lectures: 60%; Seminars: 40%.
Theoretical analysis on the different points of the programme. Close reading of texts with students. Tutorial guidance, with a view to preparing research work.

Evaluation method

1 assignment-(30%), 2 tests(60%), Attendance and/or participation(10%)

Subject matter

1. Francophone Spaces: political and cultural delimitations ( from the francophone political evolution start to the francophone themes and concepts)
2. Francophone Literatures and Literary History: From the national and linguistic issue to the literary universes defined by multicultural (and transnational) communities
3. Literary journeys in the francophone world – texts and contexts
3.1. The negritude movement: From “L’Étudiant noir” to Léopold Senghor, Aimé Césaire and Léon Damas literary work. 
3.2. Post-colonial literatures: Tahar Ben Jelloun (Morroco); Fatou Diome (Senegal)
3.3. Modern and contemporary writings from Europe and Quebec:  Emille Nelligan (Canada); Blaise Cendrars (Switzerland); George Simenon (Belgium)