English Seminar


Class A
To obtain basic knowledge on Postcolonial Studies and to be able to apply key concepts in Postcolonial Studies to the novels studied in class, as well as to the oral and written projects
To consolidate the use of research methodologies
To be able present and debate a research project in class on one of the novels of the syllabus
To be able to write a research project on two novels chosen by the students

(Class B)
a) To provide students with a general outline of English medieval literature until the end of the 14th century;
b) To introduce students to the literary identity of a country in constant interaction with mainland Europe;
c) To help students put into practice the information provided, by applying it, as critically and independently as possible, to their topics, thereby enhancing their research, analytical and interpretative skills.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Rogério Miguel do Deserto Rodrigues de Puga, Carlos Francisco Mafra Ceia


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 336

Teaching language



Available soon


Turma A / Class A
ASHCROFT, Bill, Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies (London: Routledge,) 2013.
BOEHMER, Elleke, Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Migrant Metaphors (Oxford / New York: OUP), 1996 / 2ª ed. 2005.
COELHO, Maria Teresa Pinto; Ilhas, Batalhas e Aventura. Imagens de África no Romance de Império Britânico no Último Quartel do Século XIX e Início do Século XX (Lisboa: Colibri), 2004.
SPAAS, Lieve e Brian Stimpson (eds.), Robinson Crusoe. Myths and Metamorphoses (London: Macmillan), 1996.

Turma B / Class B
Ceia, Carlos. O Que É afinal o Pós-modernismo?, Século XXI, Lisboa, 1999.
Docherty, Thomas (ed.): Postmodernism: A Reader, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, 1993.
Eagleton, Terry: The Illusions of Postmodernism, Blackwell, Oxford, 1996.
Jameson, Fredric: Pós-modernismo: A Lógica do Capitalismo Tardio, Ática, São Paulo, 1996 (ed. Original: Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Duke University Press, 1991).

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

oral research project (50%), written research project(50%)

Subject matter

Class A
Postcolonial islands in the British novel
I - Introduction to Postcolonial Studies: post-colonial and postcolonial
II - A postcolonial (re)reading of Robinson Crusoe
III - The Victorian Robinsonade: Treasure Island
IV - Twentieth-century rewritings of Robinson Crusoe: Robinson, by Muriel Spark, and Foe, by Coetzee

Class B
I. Introduction to the postmodern debate
II. Aspects of contemporary postmodern English-language fiction:
Topic 1: Forms of anti-literature
Theme 2: The reinvention of parody, pastiche and irony
Theme 3: The narrative play in metafictions
Theme 4: The use of self-reflexivity as a literary paradigm
III. Aspects of contemporary culture in the postmodern space in the English-speaking world:
Theme 5: The reinvention of cinema
Theme 6: Mass culture, pop art and new musical expressions
Theme 7: The crisis of the representation of the real and the society of simulacra
Topic 8: Cyberculture