Trabalho Final de Curso em Ciências da Comunicação


a) To develop the research capacity independently, creatively and critically;
b) To select and apply concepts and methodologies appropriate for solving problems related to the subject matter of the investigation;
c) To develop specific skills in written and oral communication of the results of theoretical research and empirical analysis.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Cristina Mendes da Ponte


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 560

Teaching language



Available soon


Bibliografia a indicar em função do tema de trabalho.
Bibliography to be indicated according to the Final Report topic.

Teaching method

The progress of research leading to the Thesis Project consists of theoretical and/or empirical work, individual research, based on data collection, individual guidancen from the supervisor, discussions in seminars, participation in conferences and other scientific events, and collaboration or integration into research projects from the research units associated with the course.

Evaluation method

The Thesis Project is orally presented to and evaluated by a jury constituted by teachers (of the department and the study cycle and eventually with an external member). In each of these areas there will be a qualitative assessment, to be in subsequente years subject to an annual recommendation by their managers or supervisors.(100%)

Subject matter

According to each student´s research project.