Research Seminar in Communication Sciences
As stated in the regulations, 10 of the 60 ECTS in the lective component are elective. Depending on the theme to be researched in the thesis, and provided there is a recommendation from the tutor (future supervisor) and from the Cycle Coordinator, instead of an elective seminar (chosen among the postgraduate curricular units available in FCSH-UNL, other organic units of UNL, or other university institutions, in Portugal or abroad, with a protocol agreement) these 10 ECTS may assume the form of a research seminar, with the following outcomes: - acquire expertise with the state of the art of the proposed theme; - obtain a higher level of research competences in that speciality area; - master, through theoretical or empirical work, the routines for researching and publicizing the results of that research.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Cristina Mendes da Ponte
Weekly - 2
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
Dependente da natureza de cada investigação.
Teaching method
Not being a lective seminar, the teaching methodologies (and evaluation) involve the close following, in a tutorial style, of the scientific work developed by the student according to the proposed activities, and in such a way that his/her workload matches the attributed ECTS without compromising the quality of the research or its relevance in the context of the theme to be developed in the thesis.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
The contents are dependent on the subject of the research, and need to be stated in an activities plan to be defined and approved between the tutor, the study cycle coordinator, and the student.
Programs where the course is taught:
- Especialidade em Cinema e Televisão
- Especialidade em Comunicação e Artes
- Especialidade em Comunicação e Ciências Sociais
- Especialidade em Comunicação e Linguagem
- Especialidade em Comunicação Estratégica
- Especialidade em Cultura Contemporânea e Novas Tecnologias
- Especialidade em Estudos de Argumentação
- Especialidade em Estudos dos Media e do Jornalismo
- Especialidade em Teoria da Comunicação