Media and Journalism Studies
1. To consolidate a critical understanding of theoretical and methodological frameworks on studies of Media and Journalism;
2. To use and explore an interdisciplinary perspective, with attention to contemporary media environments and their background.
3. To use theoretical and methodological frameworks in the formulation of relevant problems.
4. To combine theoretical and methodological perspectives in the design of a origina and achievablel research project.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Cristina Mendes da Ponte
Weekly - 2
Total - 280
Teaching language
Bräuchler, B. and J. Postill (2010). Theorising Media and Practice. New York, Oxford.
Deacon, D., M. Pickering, et al. (2007). Researching Communications. A practical guide to methods in Media and Cultural Analysis. London, Sydney, Auckland, Arnold.
Schroder, K., K. Drotner, et al. (2003). Researching Audiences. London, Arnold.
Zelizer, B. (2004). Taking Journalism Seriously. Thousand Oaks, Sage
Zeller, F., et al. (2015). Revitalising Audience Research. London, Sage.
Teaching method
-Oriented and supervised readings, presentation and discussion of texts;
-Regular production of research progress especially focused on the literature review;
-Access to research in Media and Journalism Studies, involving national and comparative studies already completed.
- Participation in discussion groups with doctoral students who are conducting their theses.
- Participation in public events related to Media and Journalism
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Supervised progression and final work (100%)
Subject matter
The contents of this seminar are based on two pillars: 1) research interests in the area, expressed by doctoral students in order to provide an environment that favors the development of their research project; 2) The presentation and discussion of previous research, in order to provide a critical discussion.