Especialidade em Teoria da Comunicação
Education objectives
1)Advanced in-depth knowledge and heightened critical understanding of theoretical reference systems and methodologies used in Communication Sciences and their application in a variety of research contexts, including interdisciplinary and laboratory contexts (in film, television and digital areas);
2)Ability to apply the theoretical reference systems of Communication Sciences to the formulation and analysis of relevant scientific problems about complex social phenomena, including their articulation in interdisciplinary problematics;
3)Ability to place research issues within more in-depth, interdisciplinary, current views of knowledge of the phenomena focussed on, identifying lacunae and possibilities for theoretical or empirical progress from the field of scientific bibliography and relevant techniques and methods;
4)Ability to combine theoretical and methodological knowledge to design innovative research projects which operationalise research problems;
5)Ability to select, adapt and operate technical procedures for the collection, processing and analysis of empirical data, appropriate to the scientific problems under study;
6)Ability to carry out a research work in Communication Sciences with innovative results, while respecting the deontology of academic investigation;
7)Ability to identify and discuss the contribution of the research results to the advancement of knowledge in Communication Sciences, to the understanding and explanation of the phenomena studied, and to the eventual satisfaction of diagnosed social needs.
General characterization
DGES code
Specialization Area
Access to other programs
The degree of "doutor" is a final qualification.
Maria Cristina Mendes da Ponte, Francisco Rui Nunes Cádima
Opening date
1400 Euros/year or 2500 Euros/year (foreign students)
Presencial Pós-Laboral
Teaching language
Portuguese Language
Degree pre-requisites
Length: 8 semesters. Total credits: 240 credits (60 from curricular units + 180 credits from the non teaching component). Non teaching component modalities: Thesis. Number of credits for free option scheme: 10 credits. The free seminar option can be chosen among curricular units from the postgraduate training offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH/NOVA), in other units of NOVA University of Lisbon, or other institutions of national Higher Education or foreign, by agreement or protocol.
The degree of doutor corresponds to the level 8 of the NQF and EQF-National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.
This path is an option of
Conditions of admittance
The entry requirements are mentioned in Article 5 of study cycles regulation concerning the conditions laid down in national legislation and UNL doctoral programmes regulation, namely: a) Possess a Masters’s degree, or equivalent, b) Possess a Bachelor’s degree and holder an academic and scientific curriculum recognized by the Scientific Council (SC) of FCSH; c) holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the SC. Candidates are selected taking into account the classification of degree, the academic and scientific curriculum and professional curriculum. A letter of motivation is requested detailing the reasons why the candidate want to follow the study programme and the field of research to be developed.
Evaluation rules
The cycle of studies leading to the degree of Doutoramento (Doctorate) includes following a doctoral programme that consists of course units aimed at providing training to do research, and the submission of an original doctoral thesis especially written for the purpose and which is appropriate to the nature of the branch of knowledge or speciality and which contributes to expanding the boundaries of knowledge. Grades for the seminar-type course units are awarded using a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 20. The final grade awarded to the doctoral course is expressed by Approved or Not Approved. When a candidate is awarded an Approved classification, the final grade of the doctoral course is expressed as a number between 10 and 20, on a scale of 0 to 20, and is the mathematical average of the grades obtained, in which the course units with 10 ECTS have a weighting of 1 while the final thesis has a weighting of 2. The research project is defended in a public defence held at the end of the semester in which the student concludes the doctoral course. It is assessed by a jury comprising 3 members. The thesis is awarded a classification of Approved or Refused through a justified nominal vote with no abstentions permitted; if the thesis is approved, the jury then votes on a grade which may be Good, Good with Distinction or Very Good. The final qualification is awarded under the terms of Article 36, nº 2 of Decree-Law 74/2006, of 24 March, altered by Decree-Law n.º 107/2008, of 25 June, 230/2009, of 14 September, 115/2013, of 7 August, 63/2016, of 13 September, 65/2018, of 16 August.
Obrigatórias | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
73201100 | Methodology for Communication Sciences | 10.0 |
73201109 | Theory of Communication | 10.0 |
73201101 | Advanced Themes in Communication Sciences | 10.0 |
73201111 | Thesis | 180.0 |
73201110 | Trabalho Final de Curso em Ciências da Comunicação | 20.0 |
Opção Complementar | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
73201113 | Research Seminar in Communication Sciences | 10.0 |