Lexicology, Lexigography and Terminology
1. To deepen the knowledge and critical understanding of theoretical and methodological models;
2. To develop the capacity for critical analysis, formulation of new and complex ideas;
3. To reflect on the relationship between lexicon, terminology and computer applications;
4. To apply the knowledge acquired in individual research.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Rute Vilhena Costa
Weekly - 2
Total - 280
Teaching language
1. Amaro, R., & Mendes, S. (2016). Lexicologia e Linguística Computacional. In A. M. Martins, & E. Carrilho (Eds.), Manual de Linguística Portuguesa, Manuals of Romance Linguistics. Mouton de Gruyter. (pp. 178-199).
2. Costa, Rute. (2017) Les normes en terminologie. Que faire des synonymes ?. In Danielle Candel & Hélène Ledouble (Eds). Normes linguistiques et terminologiques : conflits dusages Cahiers de Lexicologie, 2017-1, nº 110, Paris: Classiques Garnier, (pp. 45-57).
3. Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro. A. (Ed.) (2017). The Routledge Handbook of Lexicography. London & New York: Routledge.
4. McEnery, Tony & Hardie, Andrew. 2012. Corpus Linguistics: Method, theory and practice. Cambridge University Press
5. Rey, Alain (1979). Terminologie: Noms et Notions. Collection Que sais-je. Paris: PUF.
6. Roche, Christophe (2012).Should Terminology Principles be re-examined? In: Aguado de Cea & al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference. Madrid (pp.17-32)
Teaching method
Lectures and tutorials, based on the presentation of the course contents and seminar presentation and discussion of selected texts in each module. In addition to class participation and to the course readings, each student will write an essay, with tutorial support, which should focus on theoretical and methodological issues relevant to the specificities of Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology work
Evaluation method
Students will be assessed on the basis of their classroom participation, including discussion of the texts presented (30%), and of their final report, which should be the result of autonomous and original work(70%)
Subject matter
1. Terminology
1.1. Linguistic dimension
1.2. Extralinguistic dimension
2. Nature of the specialised text
3. Corpus: which methodos?
4. Semasiology and onomasiology approaches
4.1. From the term to the concept
4.2. From the concept to the term
5. Lexicography for Special Purposes
6. Lexicology and Computer Linguistic
7. Applications
Programs where the course is taught: