Especialidade em Pragmática

Education objectives

1) To gain further in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the theoretical and methodological models of Linguistics and their application in a variety of research contexts, including interdisciplinary contexts, in the following specialities: Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology; Linguistics and Language Teaching; General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Portuguese Linguistics; Text and Discourse Linguistics; Pragmatics; Psycholinguistics; Sociolinguistics.
2) To develop the ability to formulate and to critically analyse new and complex ideas, including the articulation of these within interdisciplinary problematics;
3) To develop research methods within the Linguistics branch of knowledge;
4) To design, plan and carry out a significant piece of research in the scientific field of Linguistics;
5) To undertake original research work in the field of Linguistics, contributing to expanding the boundaries of knowledge through national and/or international divulgation in publications subject to an external referee committee;
6) To write an original dissertation especially undertaken for this purpose, appropriate to the nature of the field of knowledge of Linguistics;
7) To promote, in an academic and/or professional context, the advancement of knowledge and social, cultural and technological progress, producing doctorate holders who can contribute to the development of the teaching, research and divulgation of this area of knowledge both nationally and internationally.

General characterization

DGES code



Specialization Area



Access to other programs

The degree of "doutor" is a final qualification.


Maria Antónia Diniz Caetano Coutinho

Opening date





1400 Euros/year or 2500 Euros/year (foreign students)


Presencial Pós-Laboral

Teaching language

Portuguese Language

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 8 semesters. Total credits: 240 credits (60 gained in course units of the study programme; 180 in the non-taught component). Type of non-taught component: Thesis dissertation. Number of credits from elective options: 10 credits. The elective option seminar may be chosen from among the post-graduate course units offered by the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH-UNL), by other organic units of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, or by any other national or foreign higher education institution with bilateral agreement.

This path is an option of

PhD in Linguistics

Conditions of admittance

Can be admitted as candidates : a) Holders of a master's degree or legal equivalent; b) Holders of an undergraduate degree, with an esp ecially relevant academic or scientific curriculum, officially recognized by the institution granting the degree as attesting ability for carrying over this cycle of studies; d) Holders of an especially relevant academic or scientific or professional curriculum, officially recognized by the institution granting the degree, attesting the ability to pursue this cycle of studies. Admission Criteria: - Final grade of Masters/Bachelor's degree in Language Sciences or Linguistics, if applicable; - Scientific and professional CV meeting the needs of doctoral program; - Letter of intent with a description of a project proposal.

Evaluation rules

The cycle of studies leading to the degree of Doutoramento (Doctorate) includes following a doctoral programme that consists of course units aimed at providing training to do research, and the submission of an original doctoral thesis especially written for the purpose and which is appropriate to the nature of the branch of knowledge or speciality and which contributes to expanding the boundaries of knowledge. Grades for the seminar-type course units are awarded using a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 20. The final grade awarded to the doctoral course is expressed by Approved or Not Approved. When a candidate is awarded an Approved classification, the final grade of the doctoral course is expressed as a number between 10 and 20, on a scale of 0 to 20, and is the mathematical average of the grades obtained, in which the course units with 10 ECTS have a weighting of 1 while the final thesis has a weighting of 2. The research project is defended in a public defence held at the end of the semester in which the student concludes the doctoral course. It is assessed by a jury comprising 3 members. The thesis is awarded a classification of Approved or Refused through a justified nominal vote with no abstentions permitted; if the thesis is approved, the jury then votes on a grade which may be Good, Good with Distinction or Very Good. The final qualification is awarded under the terms of Article 36, nº 2 of Decree-Law 74/2006, of 24 March, altered by Decree-Law n.º 107/2008, of 25 June, 230/2009, of 14 September, 115/2013, of 7 August, 63/2016, of 13 September, 65/2018, of 16 August.


Code Name ECTS
73213100 Methodologies in Linguistics 10.0
73213101 Temáticas Aprofundadas em Linguística 10.0
73213113 Thesis 180.0
73213112 Trabalho Final de Curso em Linguística 20.0
Opção Complementar
Code Name ECTS
73213111 Seminário de Investigação em Linguística 10.0
Ten credits (ECTS) may be obtained in a Research Seminar in Linguistics or in a course unit available from a PhD programme or a research unit offered by NOVA FCSH or by other higher education institutions or research units with which there is an agreement.