German Culture


a) To develop general knowledge acquired in German culture during the previous university degree, specifically the major periods of German cultural history and its most relevant topics.
b) To develop skills to decode and analyze relevant spaces and cultural events in their historical context.
c) To develop methodological and analytical skills to prepare projects and texts for research and analysis in the field of German culture.
d) To improve the understanding of a specific topic of German cultural history, in this case, the different ways Germany dealt with the colonial question throughout its history.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando José de Almeida Esperança Clara


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Not applicable.


Ames, E., Klotz, M., & Wildenthal, L. (2005). Germany’s Colonial Pasts. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Ciarlo, D. (2011). Advertising Empire: Race and Visual Culture in Imperial Germany. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Linne, K. (2008). Deutschland jenseits des Äquators?: Die NS-Kolonialplanungen für Afrika. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag.
Osterhammel, J. (2002). Kolonialismus: Geschichte, Formen, Folgen. München: C.H. Beck.
Penny, H. G., & Bunzl, M. (2003). Worldly Provincialism German Anthropology in the Age of Empire. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Perraudin, M., & Zimmerer, J. (Eds.). (2011). German colonialism and national identity. New York: Routledge.
Speitkamp, W. (2008). Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte. Stuttgart: Reclam.

Teaching method

In class teaching. Exposition and questioning of theoretical concepts; analysis and discussion of topics, texts and images; tutorial supervision of thematic and bibliographical research assignments.
Active participation in discussion is expected.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Germany and the colonial question

1. The Discoveries: differentiated perceptions of the European expansion
2. The \"Aufklärung\" and the critique of colonialism
3. \"Ein Platz an der Sonne\": Bismarck´s Kolonialpolitik
4. \"Lebensraum\": nazi geopolitics and the colonial expansion
5. The FRG, the GDR and Africa


Programs where the course is taught: