German Literature


- To promote the Exchange of knowledge aboubt german literature and german literary movements since the 19th. century.
- Critical approach to the main literary movements such as Aufklärung, Romanticism, Expressionism and the more recent trends in German literature

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando Jorge de Oliveira Ribeiro


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


-AAVV (2012). Die Literarische Moderne in Europa.I Bd. Opladen:Westdeuscher
-AAVV (2010). Kafka.Handbuch.Leben-Werk-Wirkung.Stutt.:Metzler.
-AAVV (2011)Handbuch der Kunstzitate:Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Moderne.2vols. B.: Gruyter.
-Bauer,A .(1985). Stefan Zweig, B.: Colloquium Verlag.
-Below,J.(2012). Hermann Hesse-Handbuch:Quellentexte zu Leben,Werk und Wirkung, F/M:Lang.
-Bergengruen, M.(2010).Neurasthenie : die Krankheit der Moderne und die moderne Literatur. F.a.B:Rombach.
-Dawidowski, Ch.,(2000) Die geschwächte Moderne. Robert Musils episches Frühwerk im Speigel der Epochendebatte, F/M:Lang.
-Lange, S.(2001),Raumkonstruktionen in der Moderne : Kultur, Literatur, Film,Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
-Perlmann, M.(1987). Der Traum in der literarischen Moderne : Untersuchungen zum Werk Arthur Schnitzlers.München : Fink.
-Vietta, S.(2001).Ästhetik der Moderne : Literatur und Bild.M.

Teaching method

Lectures and axial text explanation; comment on complementary text; synthesis and historical-cultural contextualization.
Synthesis lecture and subsequent role-play reading session.
Active participation in discussion is expected.

Evaluation method

Two oral presentations (5%+5%)(10%), Open-book test(50%), Written work of 16 pages/20 ll./page(40%)

Subject matter

-Modern and contemporary literature in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
-Literature as science, literature and ecology, children’s literature.


Programs where the course is taught: