Digital Cartography and Design
a) Develop practices and procedures of acquiring information and cartographic design in multidisciplinary context; b) Deepen knowledge of graphic semiology; c) Assess, scientifically and technically, information structures in a perspective of sustainable land management; d) Apply the design as a methodology for the conceptualization of cartography; e) Develop skills for autonomous learning of mapping and GIS software; f) Conceptualize solutions for representing multi-scale analysis using the software for computer aided design and geographic information systems; g) Develop critical skills in the selection, acquisition and cartographic editing for different audiences.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Jorge Ricardo da Costa Ferreira
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Béguin, M. & Pumain, D. (2010). La Representation des données gógraphiques. Statistic et Cartographie (3e éd.). Paris: Armand Colin.
Bertin, J. (2005). Sémiologie Graphique. Les diagrammes, les réseaux, les cartes (4e éd.). Paris: EHESS,
Dodge, M. & Kitcnin, R. (2001). Atlas of Cyberspace. Harlow, England: Adisson-Wesley, Pearson Education.
ESRI (2011). GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook (4th Ed.). New York: ESRI Press.
Robinson, A.H. (1995). Elements of Cartography (6th ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Teaching method
The teaching methods are based on theoretical / practical classes where emphasis is placed on the conceptual explanation and analysis of case studies.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1) Image, mapping and communication; 2) Concepts and applications of advanced cartographic language and semiotics; 3) The cartographic process: design, production and validation; 4) Conceptual generalization and graphics; 5) File Conversion from Autocad (dxf) to Shapefile (shp); 6) Fundamentals of projections and coordinate systems: Definition of geographic coordinate system (GCS) and projection of a shapefile over a GCS; 7) Acquiring and editing information in vector data model: Attributes of graphic elements: level, color,thickness and style; Graphics digitalization; analysis tools, visualization and manipulation; Texts: Beyond the basics, placement and manipulation; Color: Beyond the basics on the color cube; Using layouts in different scales; Digital mapping validation and GIS standards for quality control; 8) Catalog of objects from the Portuguese Geographic Institute and for mapping.
Programs where the course is taught:
- area of specialisation in Environment and Natural Resources
- area of specialisation in Remote Detection and Geographic Information Systems
- area of specialisation in Planning and Territorial Organisation
- area of specialisation in Land and Development
- Master in Teaching Geography in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education