Moral and Political Phiosophy


a) Acquire the ability to analyse topics in the field of Political and Moral Philosophy, taking into account the currents of thought on these subjects
b) Acquire the ability to articulate the relationship between ethical praxis and political praxis, respecting the requirements of dialogue and tolerance
c) Be able to present a research project on these subjects, taking into account its conditions of feasibility
d) Acquire the ability to participate in activities of academic extension in the field of ethical and political reflexion

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António José Duque da Silva Marques


Weekly - 2

Total - 280

Teaching language





Habermas, J. (1992). Strukturwandel der Oeffentichkeit, Newwied: Hermann Luchterhand Verlag; transl. by Burger, T. The Structural Transformation of the Pubic Sphere. Cambridge: Polity Press,
Koselleck, R. (1969). Kritik und Krise. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Albert.
Moynihan, D. P. (1998). Secrecy, New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
Platão (2008). O Político, trad. de Carmen Isabel Soares, Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores/Temas e Debates .
Richelieu (2008). Testamento Político. Trad. de Carlos Leone, Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
Schmitt, C. (1998). Catolicismo romano e forma política. Alexandre Franco de Sá. Lisboa: Hugin Editores.
Sennett, R. (1978). The Fall of Public Man. London: Penguin Books.

Teaching method

Two main activities are developed in the course. During the first hour, there is an explanation of theoretical contents that will be followed by the presentation of questions by the students and a wide debate on the previously presented issues. In the second part of the class, there will be room for reading, interpretation and analysis of the texts on which the presented contents were based.

Evaluation method

Attendance and participation in class are also taken into account (20%), he evaluation is chiefly focused on the elaboration of a paper that shall be previously proposed to and supervised by the lecturer(80%)

Subject matter

The object of this seminar is transparency and its limits. Starting from the Illuminist conception of transparency, as a structuring value for a public life according to reason and a requirement for a true republic, the syllabus is focused on the discussion of the secret as an element of the so-called «reason of state». We will try to highlight the axis transparency-secret as an insuperable antithesis in the essence of politics, around which any type of possible organized aggregate is structured.


Programs where the course is taught: