Especialidade em História da Filosofia

Education objectives

1) To acquire the ability for in-depth and systematic understanding of an area of study in Philosophy as well as the competencies, methods and practices appropriate to this area;
2) To acquire the ability for in-depth understanding of the relations between a certain area of study in Philosophy and similar areas;
3) To acquire the ability to design and undertake the various phases of a consistent research project, appropriate to the problematics and concepts of a specific field of Philosophy and carried out so as to conform to the highest standards of academic integrity, exigency and rigour;
4) To construct an autonomous theoretical perspective in relation to the various methodological and doctrinal possibilities of philosophical thought;
5) To undertake a piece of original research of relevance to the disciplinary area, which merits publication and which contributes to the development of philosophical knowledge, in particular, and of culture, in general;
6) To acquire the ability to autonomously develop both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research initiatives;
7) To acquire the ability to understand and critically analyse theoretical concepts and new problems of a highly complex nature as well as to be able to argue and communicate with the academic community and society in general about the respective area of specialisation.

General characterization

DGES code



Specialization Area



Access to other programs

The degree of "doutor" is a final qualification.


António José Duque da Silva Marques

Opening date





1400 Euros/year or 2500 Euros/year (foreign students)


Presencial Pós-Laboral

Teaching language

Portuguese Language

Degree pre-requisites

Length: 8 semesters. Total credits: 240 credits (60 from curricular units + 180 credits from the non teaching component). Non teaching component modalities: Thesis. Number of credits as free-elective optionals: 10 credits. The free seminar optional can be chosen among curricular units from the postgraduate training offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH/NOVA), in other units of NOVA University of Lisbon, or other national or foreign Higher Education institutions by agreement or protocol.
The degree of «doutor» corresponds to the level 8 of the NQF and EQF-National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.

This path is an option of

PhD in Philosophy

Conditions of admittance

To be admitted to a doctoral programme of studies, the candidate should satisfy the conditions set forth in Portuguese legislation and in the normative conditions of UNL as well as fulfil at least one of the following requirements: a) Have a Master’s degree, or a legal equivalent; b) Have a first cycle degree (licenciatura) and a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum which is recognized by the Academic Board of FCSH as testifying to the candidate s ability to undertake this cycle of studies; c) Posses an academic, scientific or professional curriculum which is recognized by the Academic Board of FCSH as testifying to the candidate ́s ability to undertake this cycle of studies.

Evaluation rules

The cycle of studies leading to the degree of Doutoramento (Doctorate) includes following a doctoral programme that consists of course units aimed at providing training to do research, and the submission of an original doctoral thesis especially written for the purpose and which is appropriate to the nature of the branch of knowledge or speciality and which contributes to expanding the boundaries of knowledge. Grades for the seminar-type course units are awarded using a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 20. The final grade awarded to the doctoral course is expressed by Approved or Not Approved. When a candidate is awarded an Approved classification, the final grade of the doctoral course is expressed as a number between 10 and 20, on a scale of 0 to 20, and is the mathematical average of the grades obtained, in which the course units with 10 ECTS have a weighting of 1 while the final thesis has a weighting of 2. The research project is defended in a public defence held at the end of the semester in which the student concludes the doctoral course. It is assessed by a jury comprising 3 members. The thesis is awarded a classification of Approved or Refused through a justified nominal vote with no abstentions permitted; if the thesis is approved, the jury then votes on a grade which may be Good, Good with Distinction or Very Good. The final qualification is awarded under the terms of Article 36, nº 2 of Decree-Law 74/2006, of 24 March, altered by Decree-Law n.º 107/2008, of 25 June, 230/2009, of 14 September, 115/2013, of 7 August, 63/2016, of 13 September, 65/2018, of 16 August.


Code Name ECTS
73203100 Metodologias em Filosofia 10.0
73203101 Problemáticas em Filosofia 10.0
73203107 Seminário de Especialidade em História da Filosofia 10.0
73203112 Thesis 180.0
73203111 Trabalho Final de Curso em Filosofia 20.0
Opção Complementar
Code Name ECTS
73203110 Seminário de Investigação em Filosofia 10.0
Ten credits (ECTS) may be obtained in a Research Seminar in Philosophy or in a course unit available from a PhD programme or a research unit offered by NOVA FCSH or by other higher education institutions or research units with which there is an agreement.