Environment and Global Changes


1. To know Man’s impact on the Environment; 2. To identify to the main environmental problems of the present and its consequences; 3. To characterize the main modifications of the environment and its evolution; 4. To perceive the relevance of the climate change in the Environment; 5. To relate Man’s interference on the environment with the global changes; 6. To evaluate the implementation of adaptation and mitigation policies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Eduardo Silvério Ventura


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language





Brown, L. R. (2006). Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and Civilization in Trouble. Nova York: Earth Policy Intitute, pp. 3-40. Goudie, A. (2000). The Human Impact on the Natural Environment (5ª ed.). Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-36 e 419-433. Nordhaus, W. (2013). The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World. London: Yale University Press, pp.149-182. Pittock, A. B. (2005). Climate Change. Turning up the Heat. Londres: Earthscan. pp.133-206. Reid, H. (2014). Climate Change and Human Development. Londres: Zed Books, pp. 1- 17 e 223-250. Santos, F. D. (2012). Alterações Globais. Os desafios e os riscos presentes e futuros. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, pp 21-136 e 159-181. Schipper, E. L. F. & Burton, I. (eds.) (2009). Adaptation to climate change. London: Earthscan, pp. 1-89.

Teaching method

Teaching methodologies: Expositive and Participative.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1. Introduction to the main problem of the Environment and the global changes. 2. Evolution of the Man’s intervention on the environment throughout the times. 3. Global character of the relation between Man and Environment in the present. 4. Main contemporary’s problems with repercussions at global level: population growth, pressure on resources and climate change. 5. Man’s Intervention on the biosphere and its consequences on vegetation, soils, water, atmosphere, morphology, agriculture, human health... 6. Climatic change, uncertainties, feedbacks, scenarios and its consequences. 7. Measures/policies of adaptation and mitigation.