Urban Regeneration
a) To develop knowledge of urban space at different scales
b) To Deepen knowledge about the mechanisms of (re) construction of urban space
c) to develop theoretical and practical knowledge on the evolution of urban spaces (time and space)
d) To develop capacity to analyze form and structure of urban space
e) To develop critical analysis on real cases of regeneration
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Henrique Pires Soares
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Imrie, R., Lees, L, Raco, M. (Ed.) (2009). Regenerating London. Governance, sustainability and community in a global city. London: Routledge.
Paddison, R. (1993). City Marketing, image reconstruction and urban regeneration. Urban Studies, 30(2), 339-350.
Roberts, P & Sykes, H. (2002). Hugh Urban Regeneration A Handbook. London: Sage Publications, p. 98-142.
URBAN TASK FORCE (2002). Towards an Urban Renaissance: Final Report of the Urban Task Force Chaired by Lord Rogers of Riverside. London: Spon Press, p. 75-122.
Teaching method
The teaching method is based on theoretical and practical classes, where emphasis is placed on the conceptual explanation and analysis of case studies.
In the context of critical reflection on Urban Regeneration 3 study visits are included: a) Park of Nations, b) Madre Deus / Poço do Bispo and c) Riverfront / S. Apolonia / Alcântara. Study visits are an integral part of the program and are held during class hours. The presentation of specific cases of Urban Regeneration around the world is the responsibility of the students.
Evaluation method
Participation(10%), Research work(50%), Written test(40%)
Subject matter
1) Definition, evolution and aim of urban regeneration.
2) The problem of strategies and partnerships.
3) Urban regeneration and economic sources of funding.
4) The essential components of an urban regeneration process.
5) The legal framework.
6) The social environment and managing the expectations of the local community.
7) Participation of the population in urban regeneration processes.
8) Case studies.